標題: China NFL Jerseys confirmed that the Sergeant
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-12-13 16:23  資料 私人訊息 
China NFL Jerseys confirmed that the Sergeant
Investigators have begun questioning persons who are implicated in the murder of businessmanLennox Wayne called “Two Colours”Mohamed F. Khan.Kaieteur News understands that detectives from the headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department have detained a sergeant. They have also contacted a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police with a view to interviewing him about his alleged role in the murder.A reliable source at CID Headquarters,Cheap Jerseys Online, Eve Leary,Cheap Jerseys From China, confirmed that the Sergeant, who was fingered by self-confessed hired gun, Lennox Wayne, called ‘Two Colours’, was escorted from the mining town of Linden, where he was on official riot squad duty, all the way to the city yesterday.The source also confirmed that the Assistant Commissioner was asked to make himself available for questioning soon.The move by the police comes a few hours after this newspaper published an article, in which it is alleged that another retired Assistant Commissioner of Police was fingered in Khan’s killing.There were concerns that the police were trying to sweep the matter under the carpet. But from all indications, the matter is moving forward.Mohamed F. Khan’s dismembered body was discovered on a dam at Cummings Lodge on September 23, last,Jae Crowder Jersey, a month after he disappeared.Wayne had initially fingered the sergeant and one of the retired Assistant Commissioners whom heMohamed F. Khanalleged were directly involved in the plot to execute Khan.So far, investigators have been able to obtain telephone records that corroborate the informant’s story.They have also obtained a statement, detailing the whole plan surrounding Khan’s death.Wayne is currently on remand having been charged for the murder of Cosmetologist, Ashmini Harriram,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, at Lusignan.Wayne had identified the Police Sergeant as the person who had contracted him to kill Khan and who had given him the weapon to carry out the job.Giving dates and locations which are consistent with information provided by Khan before his death, Wayne admitted to being part of the plot to kill Khan, but denied that he actually committed the murder.Wayne said that he was promised $500,Cheap Stitched Jerseys,000 to kill Khan,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, but the Police Sergeant and his accomplices who had contracted him, refused to pay after the initial attempt failed on July 8 last year.But he was again tracked down in August, when he went to visit his lawyer on Hadfield Street.Wayne claimed that it was there he saw one of the retired Assistant Commissioners of Police, who was also tracking Khan.When the businessman eventually left the lawyer’s office and boarded a taxi,NBA Jerseys China, the Police Sergeant and the Retired Assistant Commissioner followed him in their respective vehicles.Wayne said that he was told to back off.“They told me they would take care of things from here.”Khan was never seen again.Yesterday, Wayne again expressed concern for his safety.He reportedly told a source at the CID headquarters that he was not satisfied with the level of security that is being provided for him at the Camp Street prison, now that the police have taken action on the information that he has provided.