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標題: Marcus Maye Jets Jersey Kitty [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-16 23:59     標題: Marcus Maye Jets Jersey Kitty

The 32-member Guyana Watch Inc. (GWI) Medical Team landed here yesterday morning and paused only long enough to eat breakfast and gather their supplies before staging their first clinic in the afternoon.The clinic was set up at the Shaheed Boys Orphanage on Alexander Street, Kitty,Malik McDowell Jersey, where the team of medical specialists and their support staff started their outreach programme. The team is composed of specialists in internal and emergency medicine as well as two pharmacists, two dentists and a number of doctors in their residency serving as support personnel as well as a few others.At the Clinic yesterday there were also local volunteers supplementing the efforts of the team. The Cheddi Jagan Dental School had two of their own,Dan Fouts Chargers Jersey, Doctors Colin Lee and Papadimitriou Christo on site. They were accompanied by two students of the dental school who were on hand to lend assistance.The patients at the Clinic were not only from the Orphanage but included children and residents from at least four other homes including the female branch of the Shaheed Orphanage.The patients were met by a group of assistants who took their medical history by asking questions of those who were old enough,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, with the assistance of the administrators of the home where necessary to fill in the blanks. They were then transferred to the doctors where they were examined.The doctors were looking for possible ear and throat infections, common skin infections and any other ailments that cursory examinations might reveal. If there are heart murmurs in any of the children then those children are referred to the visiting pediatric cardiologist for a more thorough inspection.The Pediatric Cardiologist is a new addition to the team this year and will be available to perform echocardiograms on children under the age of sixteen to diagnose them for possible heart surgery where necessary.According to President of the Organisation, Mr. Tony Yassin,, the presence of the cardiologist, Dr. Henry Issenberg, is a new dimension to the organisation’s relationship with the Westchester Medical Center where a number of the children sponsored by GWI for heart surgery have been treated.For those children who reported pains in their mouths or were found to have dental complaints, they were referred to the dentists. The dentists in turn extracted teeth or took care of fillings for those that needed them. Meanwhile,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey, each of the children as they were leaving were given multivitamin supplies, a toothbrush and toothpaste. The team members also gave out cough and cold syrups and treatments for those children that may have fallen prey to the flu. Also dispensed were any additional medications prescribed by the doctors for whatever ailments and illnesses that these children might have along with topical treatments for any easily treatable skin complaints.Mr. Yassin informed that there are going to be at least six more clinics before the team leaves and the intention is to reach as many people as possible. He noted that people should look for the announcements in the media of the clinic locations. All of the clinics are for children as well as adults.Mr. Yassin urged the residents in Wales/Patentia and other West Bank Demerara areas to come out today to the Patentia Government School where the Medical Team will be staging their next clinic.Meanwhile,Trevor Bauer Indians Jersey, the residents of Anna Regina and surrounding communities on the Essequibo Coast can see the team tomorrow at the Anna Regina Multilateral School.

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