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標題: Joel Matip Jersey ILO [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-16 03:51     標題: Joel Matip Jersey ILO

As Guyana joins the international community in observing World Day against Child Labour, the Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir, is urging parents to protect their children from premature employment.In his message to mark the observance, Nadir said the law is pellucid that children should benefit from basic education, and be allowed to enjoy their childhood.“…We want our children to be in school,Tedric Thompson Womens Jersey, to get an education… and to be able to realize their fullest potential without premature work,” the Labour Minister said.He reminded employers who engage under-age persons in the workforce that the practice is against the law and is extremely harmful to the child.“To all workers in the workforce, I ask that you become our eyes and ears and report any incidence of child labour,Marcus Williams Jersey,” Minister Nadir said.He noted that the day is significant for reflection on measures to ensure an active campaign against child labour and the steps already taken to eliminate this monumental challenge.Minister Nadir stated that the Government has taken a number of signal steps to rid Guyana of child labour.These include the 1999 Ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions 138 and 182, which deal with setting the minimum age and elimination of the worst forms of child labour; constitutional amendment mandating all children to remain in school until they are 15 years, enacted legislation to prohibit the employment of persons under the age of 15, and to allow persons between the ages of 15 and 17 to work only under certain conditions.Minister Nadir said a National Steering Committee on Child Labour was also established in 2003.“In addition, the Government has significantly improved the quality and delivery of basic education, and provided opportunities to acquire literary and life skills for those young persons who dropped out of school before 15 years,Carl Lawson Womens Jersey,” the minister remarked.He pointed out that while Guyana is not plagued with incidences of the worst forms of child labour, there are still too many children out of school and involved in economic activities.“This is why we have made the elimination of child labour in all its forms one of our national priorities. Setting out my priorities for 2008 earlier this year,Edgar Ie Barcelona Jersey, I placed child labour as one of the three issues on the national labour agenda.”The Labour Minister said Guyana will today launch its national programme to combat child labour, with the objectives of eliminating all its forms, using education, policing,, prosecuting and offering guidance to youths on acquiring education and skills.?This, he said, is in tandem with another priority goal for 2008 — to improve the health of the workforce by reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS through education, training, testing and non-discrimination.Minister Nadir disclosed that the campaign will cover areas of promotion, inspections and other actions.It will also include a publicity and advertising element; networking with employers and labour unions, and seek the active involvement of the international community and Government agencies.“I am pleased and grateful, that several groups, including the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry (the employers’ group), the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana have already endorsed this initiative and pledged to work for the realization of the elimination of child labour,” the minister stated.He made a special plea to remaining entities in the private sector and in the labour movement to join the effort to rid the country of child labour.?“Finally,Myles Garrett Womens Jersey, to parents: I implore you to give your children the only chance they have for a good future, give them education.? Ensure and encourage them to attend school and to take their education,” Minister Nadir said

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