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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-14 23:26     標題: Jose Mauri Jersey first

Most of you know if five people testified about a crime they saw committed, you can be sure they will give five different versions of what happened. It’s a reality,Pele Jersey, everyone sees things differently. It is no different with this column.You will be amazed at how much people read into my articles, and how they interpret, and conclude what my intentions are.Most times it depends on which political parties they support. At varying times I am accused of being a PPP supporter, an APNU/PNC supporter and an AFC supporter.Sometimes I wish they would make up their minds about which political party I support. I can understand why those parties supporters are confused about who I support. I do not support any political party in Guyana.I will express my views or comment about what in my view is right or wrong about the main political parties in Guyana and their politicians, and those party supporters will go in different tangents in their email to me or on social media.I find that in most cases the APNU supporters tend to engage me in a civilized dialogue, the AFC supporters will point out the virtues of the AFC, but the worst of the lot are the PPP supporters.There is no civilized dialogue with them. They come in a cuss down mode, something a la Bharrat Jagdeo. In their eyes the PPP can do no wrong.Sometimes you are not even criticizing the PPP, just pointing out mistakes of the government and they go ballistic.Some two weeks ago I wrote about the promotion of the two policemen who were involved in the horrible torture of a teenager a few years ago.You would not believe the hate emails I received or personal attacks on social media. You would think I was advocating the overthrow of the government. One of the problems with these PPP supporters is that they never question or refute the facts of the articles but just go on cussing.One even sent a sample of how I should write my article. All of this reminds me of the PNC days at its height of power. Then, if you said or pointed out any shortcoming of the PNC government you were branded an “enemy of the state”. The government can do no wrong.Sad to say the PPP has reached that stage; any criticism against the government is interpreted by the PPP government and its supporters, as anti PPP and anti government.Let me take the case of the two policemen promoted despite evidence they tortured the teenager by burning his genitalia, some of the PPP supporters who responded did not see anything wrong with the promotion, did not see the government doing anything wrong.If it were their son,Donnel Pumphrey Jersey, brother, nephew or relative, or if it was done under a PNC regime, you and I know they would have seen it differently.It’s one thing to support a party, it’s another to support it blindly, and those are the kinds of supporters who do not hold their politicians accountable.Don’t get me wrong, I get correspondence from PNC supporters who still did not see the PNC did anything wrong. Some said comparatively,Paul Pogba Jersey, the PNC was a better government. I disagree. But I can tell you in many ways the PNC did a few things better.I can tell you that this level of corruption that exists today in government, would not have been tolerated by Burnham, and I am talking from experience, I have seen Burnham ‘chew out’ public officials at town hall meetings for corruption; he fired people for corruption. He probably would have fired half of the current Cabinet ministers. The man had his faults and there were many, but to his credit he drew the line on corruption. The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan would have also done the same.I have had people emailing me that stating I am throwing ‘my own under the bus’. The meaning was clear, as an Indo Guyanese I should not criticize fellow Indians.Well I got news for those of that thinking. I don’t see myself as Indo Guyanese or see other races as this Guyanese or that, I see myself as a GUYANESE. As much as I left the country some 30 years ago I still consider myself a Guyanese, and therein lies the problem in Guyana.My only fault is that I tend call myself a Berbician, first,Fabian Moreau Redskins Jersey, then Guyanese.Too many see themselves as this race and that race and not as Guyanese, and as long as that kind of thinking is encouraged by politicians for their own interest, the country will remain polarized.So with the upcoming elections it would be interesting to see the strategy used by the various parties to whip up support.He who appeals to a wider cross section of the Guyanese people will win the elections.The merger talks between APNU/PNC and AFC are nearing completion. I

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