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標題: Malik Hooker Youth Jersey [email? [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-11 10:47     標題: Malik Hooker Youth Jersey [email?

Despite the President’s acceptance of Kaieteur News’s offer to publish Government advertisements free of cost this newspaper is still awaiting the arrival of these ads.Initially made via a front page comment last Sunday,Corey Davis Jersey, the offer was accepted by President Bharrat Jagdeo the very next day.Within the text of the initial offer was the invitation to send the adverts via email to this newspaper at: [email protected]Despite reassurances by the President that advertisements have been sent to the email address,Bertrand Traore Jersey, there were no advertisements in the inbox up to press time last night.In recent weeks there has been much commentary by media practitioners and state officials over a decision made by the administration that will see the placement of Government ads on a new website.This newspaper’s position was that the government was withholding advertisements – and the dollars spent therein in an effort to “strangle the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News”.However the Kaieteur News management decided to look past cost considerations and issue an offer to the government to carry most if not all Government ads free of cost.This decision was taken on the premise that despite the fact of a newspaper being a profit making venture like any other business,Marshon Lattimore Youth Jersey, there are higher purposes to be served. One of these is the need for the public to be able to access vital information.According to to Kaieteur News management, “… we have always made it clear that our primary mission is not about money. It is about making a difference in our country by providing the public with information and opinions which would allow them to make informed choices: the very quintessence of democratic participation.”In the page one comment where the offer was extended,Cordrea Tankersley Youth Jersey, it was pointed out that the public has an interest in receiving information about government contracts and in the procurement of goods and services and by advertising in the print media,Wholesale Jerseys Supply, accountability and transparency are served and the public’s right to information is respected and observed.Considering this recent turn of events the management of the newspaper reiterates,Derek Rivers Womens Jersey, “We await the advertisements at [email protected]

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