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標題: Max Kruse Germany Jersey like Frederick Kissoon [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-10 21:25     標題: Max Kruse Germany Jersey like Frederick Kissoon

Reports that current Registrar of the University of Guyana,Zach Banner Womens Jersey, Dr. Vincent Alexander, is likely to be sidelined for the position of Registrar, were effectively debunked by officials of the university yesterday.Public Relations Officer of the institution, Paulette Paul, in an invited comment yesterday revealed that at the moment Dr. Alexander is on end-of-contract leave as his contract is set to come to an end in April. The position of Registrar, she said, will be advertised shortly and Alexander like any other qualified individual could apply.Responding to reports that the advertising of the position was unusual as there have been other similar positions that were not advertised, Paul noted that “there will always be innuendos but the fact is that what the University’s Council is doing is the normal procedure.”Another senior official said that the last time that the position of Registrar was advertised was in 2009 which saw Alexander both applying and being appointed to the position. “This is not at all unusual,” the senior official asserted yesterday.However, there are speculations that Alexander’s return as Registrar could be under threat due to his role played in the recent General and Regional Elections as a Commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission. He is reported to have had a crucial role in detecting an error in the tabulation of the results. Initially,Gareth Bale Jersey, the People’s Progressive Party was given a one-seat majority but this was later reversed and combined opposition was given the edge.Speculations are that Alexander,Mesut Ozil Jersey, like Frederick Kissoon, a columnist attached to this newspaper and a lecturer at the University for 26 years, has been a target for removal from the institution. Kissoon recently had his contract terminated, a decision which was made at the level of the University’s Council. There have been suggestions that the move was strategic and was spearheaded by PPP/C members, who make up the University’s Board, during a recent meeting of the University’s Council.The University in a statement issued yesterday pointed out that the deliberations of its Council meetings are confidential, noting recent news items have claimed to report on deliberations of the meeting of the Council held last week Wednesday. “As has happened in the past, such statements contain errors of fact,Diego Costa Jersey, misguided deductions and information without a context for its evaluation,” the statement added.The Council said that while it did meet last Wednesday,Justin Evans Buccaneers Jersey, among other matters it considered appointments that had been referred to it by the Appointments Committee as permitted by its statutes. In determining the matters before it, the Council was guided by the university’s normal considerations including the university’s rules on the recruitment of persons over the age of retirement; the academic qualifications of persons recommended for appointment; the academic record and performance details of the recommended persons; the proper instruction of students and the relative value of filling vacancies on a long-term or short-term basis.The Council of the University,Sidney Jones Eagles Jersey, according to the statement, “reminds the public that its deliberations are confidential and that the University does not disclose information that is privileged in its relationship with its staff, applicants for employment or other persons being considered for employment.”It was noted too that unofficial reports on deliberations of university committees, including the Council, must therefore be treated with appropriate caution.

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