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標題: Jerseys From China Joe [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-5-29 01:16     標題: Jerseys From China Joe

Leon Joe, 28, is hospitalised with a bullet wound to the right thigh, after he was allegedly robbed and shot by army ranks on Thursday night.The man claimed that he was relieved of a gold band and some $1.2 M in cash he had concealed in a large brown envelope.Speaking from his bed at the Woodlands Hospital, Joe, who hails from 37 North Haslington,China Jerseys Wholesale, East Coast Demerara, told this newspaper that the incident occurred around 22:30 hrs on Thursday night, while he was at the Cool Square Nightclub of Mandela Avenue.According to Joe,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the incident stemmed from the fact that he was courting the daughter of a Staff Sergeant (name provided) who did not approve of his advances towards his daughter.He said that over the months gone by,NFL Jerseys From China, the Staff Sergeant had repeatedly threatened to shoot him if he did not break off the union, all of which he simply ignored.The injured man said that on the fateful night, the said Staff Sergeant had called him on the telephone and had invited him for a drink at the night club. He said that he agreed. He said while he was on his way the rank kept calling, trying his best to pinpoint his location.Suspecting something was amiss,Cheap Sports Jerseys, Joe said he kept giving wrong directions until he arrived and joined the man and two other ranks (a corporal and major whose name he provided).He said while at their table, the Staff Sergeant enquired what beverage he was drinking, but heeding the unease in his bowels,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Joe said he refused and offered the rank a drink instead. He said the man refused,Wholesale Jerseys China, but insisted and bought him (Joe) a Guinness while he had left for the washroom.Joe said he was returning from the washroom when he realized that the man had already bought the beverage for him. He said at that time a man close by, under the pretext of wanting to have casual conversation, informed him that while he was away the men had ‘thrown something into the Guinness’ they had bought him.Joe said he walked out of the club instantly promising to return, but overheard the Staff Sergeant urging the Corporal to go after him since he may not return.Joe said that the Corporal then ran after him and loudly instructed that he was wanted at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).Joe said that he refused to accompany the three men which promoted the Corporal to push him towards the public road. The injured Joe said the Corporal whipped out a gun, shouting “Ah gon shoot yuh’.As a crowd gathered, Joe said that he sought refuge in an empty car someone had parked close to the nightclub.According to Joe, the ranks kept telling the crowd it was a GDF matter and the people dispersed. The army ranks then dragged him from the car in which he was hiding and forced him into an army vehicle parked nearby.He said the men then drove along the Ruimveldt Public Road (Front Road) in the direction of the Cemetery Road.Joe said at first he thought the men were heading for the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost, but realized he was wrong when the Corporal told the Major to drive to D’ Urban Backlands where they would “finish him off”. Joe said that it was during this time he was allegedly relieved of his gold band and $1.2 M.Fearing for his life, Joe reportedly grabbed the left car door and attempted to jump from the car, but not before he was shot in the right thigh by one of the men.Intent of surviving, he swam over the La Penitence Canal and made his way home to relatives who subsequently took him to the Woodlands Hospital some time after midnight.So far the man is uncertain if his relatives had reported the matter to the police.

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