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標題: Daley Blind Jersey exceeding 200 [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-8 23:48     標題: Daley Blind Jersey exceeding 200

The ingestion of poisonous substance by children accounted for 91 admissions at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) during the year 2011. In fact, a study conducted revealed that these were children below the age of 13,Chad Williams Womens Jersey, of which four cases were intentional ingestions.GPHC’s Director of Health Science Education, Dr Madan RambaranTwenty-five of the admitted patients were referrals from either regional hospitals or health centres and it was deduced that a significant number of these ingestions were accidental in nature, and therefore preventable through public education.This state of affairs was highlighted Sunday during the Sixth Guyana Medical Scientific Conference held at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara.Presenting a paper entitled ‘Poisonous Ingestions in Children at GPHC: Can we decrease the incidence and number of admissions?’ was Dr Sherelyn Stanton of the GPHC.In the informative presentation, Dr Stanton pointed out that although poisoning in children accounts for a large number of emergency room visits and hospital admissions worldwide, the impact of childhood poisoning on society and the health care system had never before been described in Guyana.Moreover, she, with the support of experts from the McMaster Children’s Hospital, Toronto,Khalil Mack Jersey, Canada,Rasul Douglas Jersey, in the persons of Dr Narendra Singh and Dr Andrea Hunter, conducted a study. The objective was to determine the extent of the problem and the impact on the GPHC over a one-year period.It was deduced that the primary poison ingested by the young patients was kerosene and parents and guardians were proactive in inducing vomiting.Of note is the fact that 32 of the patients experienced no symptoms, 53 had mild symptoms such as occasional vomiting, increased salivation, mild pain and minimal diarrhoea. There were seven of them who suffered severe symptoms, ranging from respiratory distress to excessive vomiting and diarrhoea, but there were no fatal cases, according to the study.Although they required no intensive care unit intervention, 85 of the 91 patients were administered medication in either prophylactic or treatment doses, after they were found to have ingested poisonous substances.The average duration of hospital stay for these patients was at least two days and a total of 66 patients had laboratory tests done, with a maximum of eight being ordered per patient.The study saw Dr Stanton concluding that childhood poisoning consumes a significant amount of health care resources.Moreover, she insisted that at the public hospital the requirement for admissions and investigations need to be revisited, even as she underscored the need for the establishment of a protocol to standardise care with the potential of saving resources.Dr Stanton’s presentation was among several addressing the care of children and other aspects of health care that were presented during the Scientific Conference.However,Dortmund Jersey, it was the paper presented by Aidan Smith, a medical student of the University of Guyana, who was honoured with the Deen Sharma Award for the Best Research paper. The paper entitled, “Clinical Outcomes of patients with Acute Myocardial Infarctions (AMI) admitted to the GPHC over the period January 2011 to June 2012,Dzenis Burnic Dortmund Jersey,” examined the mortality and complications that arose during that time.? AMI is the medical term which is commonly referred to as heart attack.Smith’s findings not only revealed that the most frequent adverse outcome of the medical challenge was mortality, but also ascertained that the management of Myocardial Infarctions at GPHC does not conform to current accepted international guidelines.Also honoured on Sunday was Dr Seepersaud Chatterdeo who received the Chetram Singh Award for best research presentation. The research, which was done in January, examined whether there was need for a standardised management of febrile seizures at the public hospital.According to Coordinator of the Conference, Director, Institute of Health Science Education, Dr Madan Rambaran, the forum was not only well attended by local officials, exceeding 200, but there were overseas medical experts from the United States and Canada, who have been rendering needful support to the public hospital.? The GPHC Director noted that “while the international references are all good and useful, we need to know also what is happening here…”Moreover,<a href="

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