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標題: Ahkello Witherspoon Youth Jersey where necessary [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-8 09:50     標題: Ahkello Witherspoon Youth Jersey where necessary

Notes use of state funds in PPP campaigning, media accessOfficials worked hard and in “a transparent manner” to count votes cast in Monday’s poll, the Commonwealth Observer Mission said yesterday.The Mission said that party agents were able to closely follow the process and to receive a copy of the respective Statements of Poll.The tabulation and transmission process is conducted manually and is therefore prone to some delays,Brian McCann Astros Jersey, the Commonwealth Observers stated, noting that Guyana has a number of remote regions and a challenging terrain.“There have also been challenges in rectifying small anomalies and in conducting the requested recounts.“Further, the process has not been helped by various accusations and claims made by parties while the tabulation was ongoing,” the Observers stated.The Commonwealth Observer Group has been present in Guyana since 21 November 2011. Over the election period Commonwealth teams reported from eight of the ten Regions.The team observed the voting, counting and results aggregation and also met with electoral officials, national and international observers and other stakeholders in the Regions in order to build a larger picture regarding the conduct of the electoral process.The Commonwealth Observers said that many of the benchmarks for democratic elections have been met, even though some concerns, notably in terms of aspects of the campaign, remain to be addressed for the future.However,Jozy Altidore Toronto Shirts, the observers said that concerns were raised with them that the Code was not wholly respected and that state resources were used in the interests of the ruling party.The Commonwealth team noted that state-owned TV, radio and print media showed overt bias in favour of the government and ruling party in its coverage and news reporting.“As a consequence of the overt media bias and the resources at the disposal of the incumbent, there was not a sufficiently level playing field for the campaign.“While the development of codes of conduct for parties and media is welcomed, it is not enough for them merely to be signed by stakeholders. Such codes must also be respected and,Chidobe Awuzie Jersey, where necessary, include mechanisms for enforcement.”The Commonwealth Observers said that GECOM appeared to have been well prepared for the election.The teams followed the count at polling stations and reported that the process was transparent and electoral officials worked diligently to complete the count at the polling station level.The Commonwealth Observer Group urged all Guyanese to continue to exercise patience and to allow GECOM to conclude the tabulation and finalisation of results.“For GECOM it is paramount that the process is concluded in a timely and transparent manner in order to ensure accountability and to maintain confidence.”On the campaign,Josh Jones Youth Jersey, the Commonwealth Observers said that based on its reports, this seems to have been reasonably peaceful, with all parties free to undertake active campaigns.However, the Commonwealth Observers noted complaints from a number of stakeholders that, contrary to the Code of Conduct, statements were made at a rally castigating specific media practitioners and that the ruling party benefitted from the wide range of government initiatives undertaken in the lead-up to the election.On media coverage, the Commonwealth Observers noted that state-owned media was not alone in providing imbalanced reporting,Wholesale Jerseys, and all media should pursue the highest standards of professionalism and independence.“However, bias by the state media was more excessive. In addition, state-owned media has a higher moral responsibility to serve the interests of all citizens, particularly as in some parts of the country it is the only media available to citizens.”The Commonwealth Observers said it was reported that the requirement for declarations of election expenses by parties after the election is not adhered to and that the law in this regard is largely symbolic.“Such an approach is not adequate and is also contradictory to the Political Parties Code of Conduct,Javier Guemez Mexico Jersey, which commits parties to “strict standards of financial probity, accountability and transparency.”

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