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標題: Malik Hooker Youth Jersey name given [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-8 07:14     標題: Malik Hooker Youth Jersey name given

By Mondale Smith“The current case is sad but this should not be used for lip service and for crucifying the teacher. If he has done the crime he should pay whatever penalty comes his way but more broadly, the time has come for us to put measures in place to address the issues popping up as they speak to a deficiency in the education system,” said Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) President Colwyn King.He said the recent case of the teacher found in a hotel with a student is an example of where there is need for councillors and more welfare officers to be placed at each school to protect the nation’s future leaders.General Secretary of the GTU, Coretta McDonald,Cam Robinson Womens Jersey, a practicing educator, said the matter is not unique to the one city school and while the teacher may have been ethically wrong this is just the tip of the iceberg of a failing school system.She said the union is in receipt of many reports from schools nationwide, prompting the need for a holistic approach involving the Union,Samaje Perine Womens Jersey, the education ministry and the Parent-Teacher associations.Mc Donald said there are three welfare officers tasked with manning 114 schools in the Georgetown Educational District who have the responsibility for schools in the entire region four, including those along East Bank and East Coast. With the support of the union head she emphatically stated that “They (the three welfare officers) alone can’t man all these schools.”She said the same problem,Diego Alves Jersey, among others,Jerseys From China, like the growing gang culture, involving some young deviants and some unethical teachers are unfolding at “a whole lot of schools”.Both officials have opined that there is a desperate need for the ministry along with all stakeholders of the education system to work on and put in place systems that are adhered to, monitored and maintained to curb the general errant behavioural patterns unfolding at educational institutions.Union officials say there are many things to consider, with the most recent case as an example, given that some teenaged students are planners and schemers who use their sensuality to gain favours.King, speaking for teachers, said a worrying situation is the fact that when young teachers enter the school system there is no orientation or sessions for guidance and counselling.He pointed out that in some cases the girls and boys are now entering puberty and are in experimental mode leaving the young male teachers with much to contend with.Not by any means condoning errant teachers, he said it should be noted too “that we currently have a breed of young girls that might be 13 or 14 but are quite aggressive and while there are some who can stave that off, others are not trained to handle such situations.”The GTU head said in some cases teachers and students are unaccustomed to being told, “I love you” and become attached or attracted to persons whose attitudes, actions and words portray such sentiments.Mc Donald said at one city primary school (name given) a nine-year-old girl is engaged in sexual activities with male students, at and away from school.“There is nobody there to talk to these children and this is moving from one level to the next, where male and female teachers are involved with students.”She shared King’s view that while the union does not condone student /teacher relationships, the young teachers are not always at fault as the students are some times very aggressive.King said support in the school system is lacking and while there are senior and head teachers, the load sometimes becomes too heavy for them. “There is too much for the head teachers and seniors to do, so at the end of the day either the discipline and morals or sometimes teaching will be missed or overlooked.”He noted that the school system desperately needs someone that has the time to sit and listen to as well as recognise indicators of issues among the students, and who can work on solving them before it gets to the stage of deviant behaviour.SOME CASESFROM GTU FILESAt a secondary school several days ago, a teacher allegedly offered better grades for sexual intercourse. Officials of the GTU said they have received several recent reports against another young male teacher who it is alleged has made sexual advances to students.He was identified as the same teacher who had made advances to the teen found in the hotel when she was in first form. He is still on the job.At the same school, several years ago, a male teacher who was the family friend of a teenaged girl became sexually involved with the girl with the knowledge of the relatives, but when the lass became pregnant,

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