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標題: Emre Can Germany Jersey “Calm down [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-4 02:29     標題: Emre Can Germany Jersey “Calm down

By Kiana Wilburg With tall buildings stretching for the sky, colourful art and craft lining the streets,Posing on one of the interview sets at the Seventh Summit of the Americasand an exotic ancient beauty still evident among efforts of modern-day development, Panama need not beg for your attention. It is commanded.It is a scenic pearl between two oceans. Culturally, artistically and economically, it’s easy to fall in love with Panama; trust me, I did.It was my first time traveling out of my 83,000-square mile homeland, but no amount of reading before my trip, could have prepared me for the breathtaking experience that awaited me.The historic moment in my life was on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, when I would be heading to Panama to cover the Seventh Summit of the Americas at the ATLAPA Convention Center in Panama City. I was going alongside my KN colleagues, Rabindra Rooplall and Neil Marks, and iNews editor Fareeza Haniff.Just a few days before travelling,Kyle Walker Hotspur Jersey UK, I recall being so worried about it and hadn’t the slightest clue about what I would need. Obviously, I packed a little of everything and to my surpriseMy view of the breathtaking Panama Canal.I didn’t need half of it.Apart from the well-wishes,Hector Bellerin Arsenal Jersey, I received nuggets of wisdom like, “Don’t hold bags for anyone and don’t leave anyone to look at yours,” “When you get to Panama, don’t share cabs with men,” “Try not to act too much like an outsider, try to blend in.” For the most part,Douglas Costa Brazil Jersey, I followed the advice except for the last statement, of course, which did not by any means work out.The first thing to catch me off-guard was my first experience of a plane lifting off.I took my seat in the first class section of the Copa Airlines aircraft and buckled up. The plane then moved slowly towards its take-off route. I immediately engaged Fareeza in light chit chat in an attempt to suppress the growing nervousness in my stomach. But that did not work out.When it took off the ground, instantly, I could not help but feeling as though I were in a giant Ferris wheel. Then suddenly the unthinkable occurred. The plane tilted on its left.I was not scared, but I quickly reached for Fareeza’s hand and clutched onto it like my dear life depended on it. I still remember her words to me, “Calm down,Sokratis Papastathopoulos Dortmund Jersey, Kiana. Take a deep breath.A glimpse of Panama City at sunset.Everything is going to be okay.”When the plane steadied, I felt a bit at ease but my stomach was still knotted. A small glass of white wine helped to calm my mind but even after 30 minutes had elapsed, I couldn’t keep my sumptuous meal in my tummy for too long. A kind airline hostess told me it was quite normal and assisted me with another glass of wine.After surviving two hours on a plane, I was ready to get off. I wanted to get to Panama immediately and I felt like I was being deliberately delayed in the air. What was worse was that a nasty earache stepped in, but in another hour or so, we finally touched down in Panama.The earache was gone. The upset stomach disappeared. All of a sudden I felt the proverbial butterflies in my stomach and one percent Panamanian.After getting the necessaries done at Panama’s enormous airport, my colleagues and I made our way to a taxi and off we were to our respective places of accommodation.The trip from the airport to Veneto Hotel in the heart of Panama City almost left me breathless. There were all shapes and types of buildings, even the twirling ones. Each to me represented imaginative genius. The same can be said for their infrastructure. It was simply too much stunning scenery to take in so quickly.Within 20 minutes, I had arrived and checked in. After unpacking and freshening up, I was out to explore my immediate environs. The area was bursting with businesses, culture, art and craft, and mouth-watering food. I felt reborn.On my first night, I sought to discover the Panamanian delicacies in almost every nook and cranny. This trend continued until I left a week later.My first stop was a Don Lee Restaurant, providing a sort of Spanish twist on Chinese food, which sold for US$5 to US$7. Several cook shops offering varying degrees of spicy and tasty black and red peas with stewed chicken,Timothy Fosu-Mensah Jersey, rice and garlic bread for just about US$2, were also a great treat.Italian restaurants in the neighbourhood were also too heavenly, and the sounds of approval I made when eating convinced some Pa

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