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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-1 01:21     標題: Bruno Zuculini Manchester City Jersey

Following IACHR directive to Govt…Youth advocate group, Blue Caps, has joined calls for the resignation or removal of Minister of Legal Affairs and AttorneyAttorney General (AG), Anil NandlallGeneral (AG), Anil Nandlall, in wake of an order from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) that Government provides information on the steps it intends to take to protect Kaieteur News and its staff.The IACHR’s order stemmed from a report made by Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram, following the release of the telephone recording between Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Kaieteur News senior reporter, Leonard Gildarie.By way of public statement yesterday, Blue Caps said that it is surprised that despite broad condemnation from all sections of civil society, Nandlall is still allowed to perform the duties of Attorney General.The group says that inaction by Government sends a troubling message that senior state officials are exempted from due course under the law.? “He (Nandlall) should step down or be asked to resign by President Ramotar.”Blue Caps stated “The contents expressed by Minister Nandlall in the recording have no place in our society, and they clearly violate the laws of Guyana and should be treated as a criminal matter and investigated by the Guyana Police Force.”The non-governmental organisation said that it has taken notice and endorses the recommended precautionary measures from the IACHR,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, regarding the circumstances surrounding the taping of the telephone conversation.The IACHR had ruled that the lives and personal integrity of Kaieteur News Publisher Glenn Lall, Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris and the reporter, were in danger after they were threatened for publishing reports of serious wrongdoing by the government.The government has 15 days to provide the journalists with concrete protection to investigate the matter, and report periodically to the IACHR on actions that it will be taking on both matters.In explaining the basis of its decision, the IACHR said that the local daily newspaper had published articles of involvement by senior government officials in secret deals,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the sale of public assets and bribery. However, the last straw was contained in theHead of Blue Caps, Clinton Urlingrecorded conversation in which the official threatened the journalist and demanded he stop working or otherwise, he and his newspaper would suffer the consequences.The IACHR noted that following the paper’s formal complaint to the authorities, neither the AG nor the government denied the facts nor was the report investigated or any protection given to the journalists.In its findings the human rights body said,Wholesale Jerseys, “After analyzing the factual and legal arguments put forth by (Christopher Ram), the commission considers that the information presented demonstrates prima facie that the members of Kaieteur News are in a serious and urgent situation, since their lives and personal integrity face an imminent risk of irreparable harm.”“In the present situation, the Commission considers that the requirement of seriousness is met, in light of the alleged threat expressed against the lives and personal integrity of the Kaieteur News personnel, within the framework of their right to freedom of expression.”The commission noted, “In particular, the information presented suggests that the purported threat was oriented toward preventing the members of Kaieteur News from freely exercising their role as journalists, related to a series of reports on corruption cases, among other issues,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, which allegedly affected high ranking officials within the Government.The youth advocate groups has also urged the government to treat this matter with the utmost seriousness and urgency and execute the precautionary measures as outlined by the IACHR.“These include adopting the necessary measures to protect the lives and personal integrity of the three identified members of Kaieteur News; agreeing on the measures to be adopted with the proper beneficiaries and their representatives; reportingPublisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lallon the actions taken to investigate the alleged facts that compelled the IACHR to make these recommendations so that such events would not be repeated; and providing information relating to the matter within the specified timeframe so as to allow for the IACHR to review its decision,” Blue Caps noted.The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has also welcomed the measures issued by the IACHR in favour of Kaieteur News staff.On Wednesday, IAPA President Gustavo Mohme, Editor of the Lima, Peru,Wholesale Jerseys, Newspaper La Rep?blica, expressed pleasure at the IACHR decis

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