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標題: Eden Hazard Jersey Bharrat Jagdeo [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-7-28 08:54     標題: Eden Hazard Jersey Bharrat Jagdeo

– Nagamootoo was not invited to ExCo sessionsThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Monday held another session with four of the potential Presidential candidates making their cases but is still to decide with former Executive Council member, Moses Nagamootoo again not present.The party yesterday disclosed that the candidates were given another opportunity to present their views on critical issues, among them national unity, economic policies, youth development and involvement, and governance.Donald RamotarMoses NagamootooReportedly making their cases were Clement Rohee, a current Minister; Ralph Ramkarran, Speaker of the House; Presidential Advisor, Gail Texieira and the party’s General Secretary, Donald Ramotar.“Members of the Executive Committee were given the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications from the Presidential hopefuls. This particular session was chaired by Executive Committee member, Dr. Roger Luncheon,” a statement said.Signaling that the process is far from over, the ruling PPP said that the exercise at the level of the Executive Committee will continue as the body prepares for a proposal for consideration of the Central Committee, subsequently.But the continued insistence of the party to use the Executive Committee forum to help decidea Presidential Candidate for General Elections slated for later this year,Eric Bailly Manchester Jersey, is still rattling Nagamootoo, a former Minister and long time stalwart.Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday,Eric Bailly Manchester United Jersey, Nagamootoo said that he was unaware of the meeting and had already written the party on his intentions not to make his case before that body, but before the members.“They are the ones that ought to determine whether I am a fit and proper person or qualified? for the Presidential Candidate. I have written formally to the General Secretary (Donald Ramotar) and therefore will not partake in proceedings before that body.”Nagamootoo admitted that he did not receive any invitation to the meeting.“I have said that the Executive Council is an inappropriate body to decide who is qualified to be candidate.”Nagamootoo has sat for 28 continuous years in the Executive Council of the PPP but lost that position in the 2008 Congress.Asked yesterday whether he has given up hope of vying for Presidential Candidate position, the lawyer emphatically noted that “there is always light at the end of the tunnel.”He noted that his association with the PPP has been over 50 years.Nagamootoo warned that the PPP should instead be making preparations to face Presidential Candidate of the People’s National Congress Reform, Bridgadier (rtd), David Granger.“This internal diversion is not the most important political issue for me.”Nagamootoo again mooted another option of creating an “A” team of candidates, similar to what happened in 1997, when former President Janet Jagan was the candidate and with Reepu Daman Persaud, the potential Vice President and current President, Bharrat Jagdeo, among others.The choosing of a Presidential Candidate for the elections slated for later this year is an unprecedented one facing the party. In the past the position fell “automatically” on the party’s leader.In the first instance, it was the party leader,Chelsea Jersey, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, until the early ‘90s and then his wife, Janet Jagan. After that, it was President Jagdeo. But after two terms for Jagdeo that constitutionally ends this year, the party is now faced with finding a single candidate…it now has five.It was the same scenario for the main opposition, PNCR which had Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte. With its current leader,Andreas Pereira Jersey, Robert Corbin, signaling his intentions not to run for the Presidency this year,Thiago Motta Jersey, it threw the race wide open.Last Saturday, the PNCR chose Granger.The Alliance For Change, another opposition party widely viewed as a dark horse, has chosen Khemraj Ramjattan, a former high-ranking PPP official,Calum Chambers Arsenal Jersey, as its candidate.

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