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標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale he noted.In Guyana [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-7-22 04:11     標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale he noted.In Guyana

The ‘unilateral’ decision to make a pay increase to public servants is the latest evidence that the administration is determined to undermine the collective bargaining process, Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin said yesterday.During a press conference at Congress Place, Sophia,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Corbin said that this is viewed as a ‘unilateral imposition of salaries for public servants.’According to Corbin, this recent action validates the criticism of the Administration by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), in their July 2009 Report.It is time that the Jagdeo Administration, Corbin said, respects the rights of the workers by reaching an agreement with the Guyana Public Service Union on an adequate wages and salaries package for hard pressed, hard working and grossly underpaid public servants.At a press conference about two weeks ago, the PNCR called for an adequate increase in the salaries for public servants.During that press conference,Wholesale Jerseys, it was pointed out that it would be total ‘injustice’ and an insult to impose on them a derisory increase,Cheap Jerseys Online, which would compound the reduction of their real incomes,NFL Jerseys China, in the face of the rising cost of living.The Party hopes that the Jagdeo Administration will see the light and recognise that the public servants of Guyana deserve a substantial increase in their wages and salaries.On Tuesday last, President Bharrat Jagdeo announced that despite the country feeling the effects of the global financial and economic crisis in its real sector, public sector employees will receive a pay increase this year.He explained that spending has been maintained.The Head of State stressed that tourism and financial services, which are significant revenue earners and job providers in the Caribbean,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, have been severely affected by the crisis.Remittances have slumped as Caribbean nationals in the developed world cope with the economic depression, he noted.In Guyana, he said, the real sector has been affected, as a fall in global demand for export commodities has resulted in less revenue for the country.A recent International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) report stated that over the past decade, collective agreements in many public services have not been honoured by the Government of Guyana.According to the report, despite the fact that Guyanese workers have the right to bargain collectively, collective agreements recognised by the government with many trade unions have been replaced by circulars issued by the administration,Jerseys From China, ignoring the collective bargaining agreements.As such, the report state, government has been imposing salary/wage increases to all public service and public sector employees of state agencies since 2001.Following eight consecutive years of imposition of salaries and conditions, the situation in 2009 is currently at a stalemate with the government making intermittent pronouncements, suggesting a salary freeze, the report noted.The right to strike can be exercised after the union’s leadership endorses a call for industrial action.The law does not define or limit retaliatory actions against the strikers, which is an issue settled between strikers and employers by the terms of resumption after a strike, it noted.The ITUC recommended the government should respect the collective agreements of the public sector and start promoting them in order to enable the improvement of working conditions for public workers, the majority of which are women.The Labour Minister, it recommended, should promote collective bargaining instead of referring essential services disputes to compulsory arbitration.

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