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標題: Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys Robert Persaud [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-11-8 23:04     標題: Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys Robert Persaud

…to supply cargo riceThe rice industry which has been experiencing difficulties of late may see a reversal of its fortune with the government securing a new overseas market.Bharrat Jagdeo,Cheap Sittched Jerseys China, President of GuyanaAccording to an official close to the industry,NBA Jerseys China, the deal was brokered when President Bharrat Jagdeo attended the UN Climate Change summit in the United States of America recently.According to the source, Guyana and Venezuela have inked a deal for that country to buy 50,000 tonnes of Guyana’s cargo rice at US$420 per metric tonne.The deal will take effect from this crop.The source said that the deal was agreed upon after President Jagdeo and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez met in the US at the United Nations Climate Change meeting.The 50,Cheap MLB Jerseys China,000 tonne deal has already been finalised and the two countries are currently working out the quality of rice to be supplied and the shipping details.Officials of both countries are hopeful that all goes well for this the first shipment of rice to the Spanish speaking country as early as next week. Although the deal is just for the current crop, the official related that the Guyana Government is hopeful the arrangement becomes a permanent one.With this new development, millers are now in a better position to offer plausible prices to farmers, the source contends.Hugo Chavez, President of VenezuelaOn the heels of this agreement, some millers on the Essequibo coast have expressed a willingness to offer farmers $3000 for a bag of paddy.However,MLB Jerseys China Authentic, the majority of millers are still paying $2000 per bag.The rice industry has been experiencing difficult times over the last months. Rice farmers have been complaining of operating at a loss because of unfavourable prices being offered by millers.President Bharrat Jagdeo subsequently announced a $400M assistance for the industry.Recently,Harvard Crimson Jerseys, Agriculture Minister,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Robert Persaud, told Kaieteur News he will not be sharing out cash but rather he is contemplating assisting farmers with input supplies or starting a production stabilisation fund that farmers can access in times of difficulties.(Brushell Blackman)

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