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標題: NFL Jerseys Cheap or damaging one’ [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-9-13 05:04     標題: NFL Jerseys Cheap or damaging one’

By Michael BenjaminWhenever a group of men congregate for a street corner lime or a rum shop gaff, women always bear the brunt of their jokes. This group was no different and Joe had taken center stage, his voice rising 10 decibels. He was reciting an earlier fracas with his wife one night prior. “Who me?” he pronounced pushing his chest in the air, “I had she pon she knee begging last night!”His friends were thoroughly impressed until one of them requested additional details. “So what was she saying?”“She telling me dat I mus come from under de bed,” was Joe’s sheepish response.While this joke has been making its rounds for quite some time, and while it is true that some women do take the rolling pin to their men, the statistics reveal that even though members of the ‘fairer sex’ are the ones at the wrong end of domestic brutality, they somehow manage to leave the ring in the better shape than their mate. Almost on a daily basis, newspaper reports relate the sordid ‘battle of the sexes’ episodes that oft times leave the woman dead or permanently maimed.Many read these reports, sigh in exasperation and return to their daily chores because oft times they feel far removed from the situation. Then one day the proximity gap closes considerably and the dead woman happens to be your neighbour or close friend. It is now time to perk up.Incidences such as these suddenly take on immense proportions because the dead individual is someone whom you know, have touched, loved and generally fraternised with. You now question your immortality, unobtrusively paying keener attention to the behavioural patterns of the man you have vowed to love until death.This is the irony; the warring couples had earlier, sometimes a mere few months,Cheap Jerseys From China, vowed to live in sickness and health, but most importantly, “Till death do us part.” Obviously the men are applying a literal interpretation to this section of their vows, and whenever their spouses, after a prolonged period of abuse and embarrassment decide to walk out of their lives, they,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the men that is, decide to end the relationship in accordance with their marriage vows.The psychologists, sociologists and other relevant professionals may give a more profound prognosis of the problem but sometimes it is the street corner conversations that provide the most practical solution to the elimination of these scourges.Almost every man has been socialized to believe that women are the weaker sex and a woman’s power is in her tongue. So, at any given time during spousal confrontations, the ‘weaker sex’ may be heard ranting and raving with no corresponding response to her epithets. Men are more wont to remain silent during the abusive sessions (though there are men who can match the females, word for word, during these verbal confrontations). Some men have developed unique responses to these outbursts. They simply leave the house, allowing the situation to cool off. By the time they return, the woman would have emitted her fill of verbal abuse and the situation returns to normal.The flip side of such responses, are the men who assert their dominance and lash out so as to get some ‘peace and quiet in this house.’ The latter reaction is often the beginning of a history of domestic abuse and the women have several choices at their disposal. They either shut up, which quell the man’s wrath, or call the police and have the courts settle the matter. Many women have lost their nerve at the bottom of the Court steps and have ended up begging for a chance for the men they initially wished to prosecute. Many have lost their lives because of such lack of judgment as they return to the abusive relationship. Only this time the men decide to ‘done the dance’ rather than face the courts once again. Recently ‘done the dance’ includes the men taking their own lives.Women are strange creatures! They may discover their men in extra-marital relationships and literally tear off his head. When their passions cool they apply antidotes and bandages to that very wound. If the man transgresses again,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, she would rupture that very spot all over again.Men have been heard to pronounce that “after God is swar.” This simply means that some men employ the gift of gab to pacify their women whenever they are faced with volatile confrontations. So it would not be uncommon for a man to relate to his friends that, ‘Yo know she fall fo de swar!” This simply means that the woman had fallen,Wholesale Jerseys China, hook line and sinker for the concocted lies the man utters in order to squeeze out of a tricky situation.Eileen Cox, the popular consumers advocate, recently related to me the initial woes women experienced while attemptin

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