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標題: Cheap Jerseys From China and civil society [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-9-13 01:24     標題: Cheap Jerseys From China and civil society

By Nicholas PetersFollowing his symbolic inauguration by Guyana’s First Peoples, President David Granger reaffirmed his commitment to an inclusionary democracy as the country moves forward in an era of “national unity”.President David Granger during his inauguration speech at yesterday’s Independence Day celebrations at the National StadiumAs the newly-appointed Commander-In-Chief addressed the packed National Stadium at Providence,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, he also paid homage to the “workers, legislature and leaders” who guaranteed the country’s Independence 49 years ago.“We cannot become a united nation if we are divided,NFL Jerseys Cheap,” was the message the President delivered to the thousands amassed yesterday for his inauguration which marked the culmination of Independence Day celebrations.“I affirm as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, my determination to continue the task of working to achieve national unity and towards making Guyana one nation,” said President Granger.He said that as this new administration is a combination of six parties, the country is ready to move forward in an inclusionary manner towards a common destiny.President Granger added that it was the intention of the nation’s newly-elected leaders to put an end to the “winner-take-all approach” of the political process.For this year’s anniversary, the President was keen to highlight the “desire” of the Guyanese populace for an inclusionary democracy as was evidenced in the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) securing the majority of seats? in the National Assembly.“We are determined (to liberate) our people from one-party domination,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, by thwarting the threat of dictatorship, by protecting our Parliament from the threats of premature prorogation and disillusion,” said Granger, while the stadium erupted in thunderous applause.He said that moving forward the country must now focus on the “real enemy” – crime, disease, ignorance and poverty, which he regarded as “the four horsemen of Guyana’s Apocalypse”.The President said that the key to fighting this enemy lies in educating the country’s youth. He emphasised that the nation’s young people face monumental challenges such as high rates of unemployment, suicide, school dropouts, teenage pregnancy and a growing prison population of 75 percent.He revisited his reasons for pardoning 60 convicted prisoners, between the ages of 18 and 24, yesterday.“Our young people should be learning in colleges, not languishing in prisons. That is why (yesterday), Independence Day, I granted?amnesty to several dozen young men and women who have been sentenced to short terms of imprisonment for petty, non-violent offences,” said the Head of State.He related that he did not want them to rot in prison; instead he believes that they should return to their families, return to educational institutions and be part of society as citizens. President Granger added that he will release more young people who have committed petty offences, every year for Independence Day, so that they can receive formal education and “get back into society”.“We shall promulgate a plan of action for youth empowerment in order to give youths faith in the future,” he vowed. Likewise, the Head of State pledged his commitment to women’s empowerment as he saluted the country’s “women folk”.Furthermore, he commented on the disparity between the rich and the poor.“Guyana cannot become one nation if gross disparities existing between the Hinterland and the Coastland, between the rich and the poor,” he said, as he pointed out that the country’s greater challenge is poverty.The Head of State said that too many of the country’s citizens, young and old, are still classified as extremely poor. He stressed that poverty in Guyana can be reduced and that it can be eliminated through good governance and sensible policies.“There is no reason for us to be poor!” he said emphatically.Through national unity,Cheap Jerseys From China, the President reaffirmed, the country can overcome the problems which hinder its development.“National unity will bring national benefits including the elimination of one-party domination. It will lead to the enhancement of local municipal and parliamentary democracy.”He added that this will lead to the enlargement of multi-ethnic faith, the elimination of ethnic insecurity, the expansion of economic enterprise, the enrichment of cultural identity and the deepening of national and patriotic consciousness.Granger stressed that under his leadership his administration will infuse the spirit of inclusionary democracy into every municipality, every neighbourhood and every region as well as in the National Assembly.“We shall together resume our work, bo

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