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標題: Wholesale Jerseys Outlet including grants [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-9-5 16:04     標題: Wholesale Jerseys Outlet including grants

By Enid Joaquin“Disappointed”, is how Linden Interim Management Committee Chairman Orrin Gordon has summed up his reaction to a correspondence he is in receipt of from Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on a proposal for the rehabilitation of twelve ‘critical’ bridges along the Linden to Lethem road.The letter was in response to a proposal by Gordon and former Regional Chairman Mortimer Mingo in the year 2010, in which they outlined what was required to refurbish the bridges to ascertain their capacity to withstand a maximum sustained load of 60 tons.According to the proposal which was seen by this newspaper, an inspection team, which included Mr Paul Jones, an eminent welding contractor in Linden, with wide experience in construction projects, including the fabrication of pontoons for the Demerara Harbour bridge and repairs to the Mackenzie/Wismar bridge, was dispatched to the Linden to Lethem road, to assess which of the 39 bridges needed immediate attention.Based on his assessment, Jones had advised that twelve of the bridges needed urgent attention.He also concluded that the current timber bridges of three or four 2’x12’ greenheart planks on each side was inadequate to sustain the load of 60 tons. The average length of most of these bridges is reportedly 29 feet.Other bridges in the savannahs, which incorporate both steel and wood in their designs, were also found to be inadequate.According to the proposal, the new bridges should be constructed of steel beams, readily available for sale at the OMAI wharf at an approximate cost of US$10 per foot.The beam’s specifications are 36″x12″x3/4″ thickness, 24″x12″ x5/8″, 12″x12″x1/2 “thickness and channel iron 12”x3″x1/2″ thickness.The proposal also pointed out that a large quantity of railroad lines stockpiled in Linden,NFL Jerseys Outlet, under the aegis of the Linmine Secretariat. would be used in the construction of reinforcement for the bridges, rendering them capable of withstanding loads of up to 82 tons, and the ready availability of these materials allows for expediting of the project.Further,Asmir Begovic Chelsea Jersey UK, it was proposed, that most of the construction be undertaken in Linden, where the requisite skills exist to prefabricate most of the components for the bridges.The completed components would then be transported to the sites, which would have been prepared with revetment work and the establishment of necessary bypasses, the proposal stated.While the timeline stipulated for the execution and completion of the twelve bridges was four months, it was further pointed out that the more critical ones would have been the first to be rehabilitated, and these would have been completed in three months.ResponsePrime Minister Samuel Hinds, in his response to Gordon regarding the proposal for the rehabilitation of the twelve bridges, noted, “your letter dated 2013-06-10 has been studied and I can assure you that I and all members of government want to have the Linden to Lethem road, inclusive of the bridges,Brendan Shanahan Red Wings Jersey, advanced as early as possible.“The limiting constraint is the availability of money, bearing in mind the calls all across our country for improvements of roads, and very much so, our growing network of hinterland roads.Over the years government has been allocating as much as it reasonably could, some $250 to $300million per year, for specified road and bridge works, along the Linden/Lethem road, awarded through competitive bids.”The Prime Minister further said that if Government had the money, they would ‘usefully spend’ $3 -$5million per mile per year on the Linden to Lethem road, which is some 265 miles long. That expenditure, he pointed out, would add up to some $795 M to $1325 M per year, but that amount could not yet be allocated, without ignoring other ‘critical needs’.“Many persons, including myself and the government, would like to have an asphaltic concrete road with reinforced concrete or steel bridges”, the Prime minister stated in his letter.Hinds added that since 2009, the Guyana government has been steadily engaged with their Brazilian counterparts in talks about the issue of having a paved road, and that in the first half of 2013, it was one of the subjects addressed during four meetings between the two sides.He alluded to a newspaper article of 2013-07-12 in which there was a report on an agreement signed between Guyana and Brazil ‘in the margins of the Mercosur Conference”, which included arrangements for a detailed feasibility study to construct an asphaltic concrete ?road from Lethem to Linden with pre stressed concrete bridges, including a bridge across the Kurupukari.A realistic estimate of the aforementioned project

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