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標題: Josh Jones Youth Jersey we have to write to them [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-9-3 10:36     標題: Josh Jones Youth Jersey we have to write to them

In the opinion of Minister of Education, Shaik Baksh, “Head teachers must be sanctioned if school libraries are not in an acceptable condition.”According to the Minister, over the past year the Ministry through National Centre for Education Research and Development (NCERD) has been trying to resuscitate school libraries some of which are not in an acceptable state. “We have to do something about it…when we visit and see school libraries in disarray, not organised…We have even found cobweb in some school libraries. When we find these things the head teacher must be sanctioned, we have to write to them,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, but this is not happening.”“This is part of the supervision of the school system; they are not taking the initiative. Some of them have undergone 18-month training courses in management… I don’t know what they are doing with their knowledge. And when you go to the school it is another matter,” stressed the Minister.He highlighted the fact that keeping a school library in a useable condition is simply for the benefit of the children of Guyana and is therefore in no way politically motivated.Baksh additionally noted that more books must be directed to the school libraries so that more children will indulge in the activity of reading in order to improve the level of literacy.The minister’s passionate disclosure was presented yesterday when he addressed a gathering, including top education officials, teachers and students, to mark International Literacy Day on Tuesday.International Literacy Day was held under the theme ‘the power of literacy’ and was observed with a book fair and exhibition by the Ministry of Education.The observance was held at the National Centre for Education Research and Development and was preceded by an opening ceremony which was not short of cultural entertainment.According to the Minister in his address, he is optimistic that “we are making headway in the new literacy methodology we have embedded in the school system. The new literacy unit is mandated to ensure that it continues and that teachers have the tools to deliver the curriculum.”Moreover, he disclosed that yesterday’s book fair and exhibition was in fact timely and should be sustained with collaboration from the National Library and be taken to each administrative region.“We don’t have to wait until Education Month to do that. This can be a mechanism to sensitise… to make the communities aware of the importance of books and reading. I have had discussions with the (National Library) Librarian of how we can take the Library to the people.”Minister Baksh stressed that libraries cannot only be in institutions, in a country that has a wide geographical spread, thus, the library facility must be moved to various communities.As such,Jose Pedro Fuenzalida Chile Jersey, he pondered over the thought of putting in mobile library units. “I would like to see each region, and all of the areas that need it the most, with one of these mobile units. I would have to cost it out and seek some funding for that.”And in order to ensure that support would be given to the innovative venture, the Minister yesterday requested that NCERD work closely with the National Library, adding that there are resource persons employed at NCERD who are designated to address the concerns of school libraries.He also emphasised the need for parents to play a more pivotal role by encouraging their children to read. “Too many parents are not taking up their role to let their children know that they should not be looking at the television…half an hour during weekdays, that is enough.”On International Literacy Day each year, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally.Despite many and varied efforts,Brian Urlacher Bears Jersey, literacy remains an elusive target: some 776 million adults lack minimum literacy skills which means that one in five adults is still not literate; 75 million children are out-of-school and many more attend irregularly or drop out.2009 marks the middle of the United Nations Literacy Decade,, and September 8 is an international day promoting the cause of literacy for all.Literacy not just reading, writing – ‘it is about respect, opportunity and development’,,said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his message for international day“In a world of enormous wealth,<a href="

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