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標題: Diego Maradona Jersey between 2012 and 2014 [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-9-2 07:25     標題: Diego Maradona Jersey between 2012 and 2014

There has been much hullabaloo, particularly from the political opposition,Marcus Williams Youth Jersey, regarding the sum of $22M which has been allocated to purchase a four-wheel drive Sports Utility Vehicle for Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.Former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni SinghPrime Minister,Carlos Carbonero Jersey,Moses NagamootooBut Nagamootoo says that the opposition’s derogatory comments since the revelation of the allocation are nothing but “political hate.”? He said that it is obvious however that the PPP is oblivious to its own “dirty laundry.”The First Vice President said that had an allocation in 2014 not been mishandled by the former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, there would be no need to set aside more money for the said vehicle.In the 2014 budget, $23 million was allocated by the previous administration for the procurement of a high-end Land Cruiser for then Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.“But it was not used for that purpose. It was hijacked by the former Finance Minister and a vehicle was bought for him. Now where is that exotic high end vehicle,” the Prime Minister questioned.He continued,Corey Davis Youth Jersey, “We want to know why it was not delivered to us, and it is because of that missing vehicle that led to my advisors asking for another vehicle to be bought. Sam Hinds complained of the aged vehicles bought for his use.”The Vice President said that the four-wheel drive vehicle is a “necessity” if he is expected to carry out his work properly.“You need this kind of vehicle if you want to go into the countryside. My little grey vehicle could hardly go over a normal speed bump. It grazes at the bottom and I am the Prime Minister. I need to go to the rice farmers and the cane cutters and I can’t use that little grey car they gave me,” added Nagamootoo.As for the scoffs from the opposition’s camp,Will Keane Manchester Jersey, he said that he is the least bothered by it and deemed it to be just another part of “their political ploy.”He went as far as to say that it is the “politics of deception” as the PPP “only intends to do whatever it takes to shift the focus away from its maladministration in any way it can.”During the deliberations over the 2015 estimates, it was disclosed to the National Assembly that,Forrest Lamp Youth Jersey, between 2012 and 2014,Jeison Murillo Jersey, almost $50M was voted by the past administration to purchase vehicles for the Office of the Prime Minister.However, when the party demitted office, only eight old, reconditioned vehicles were recovered.(Kiana Wilburg)

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