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標題: Zane Gonzalez Womens Jersey Lionel Wordsworth [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-30 12:28     標題: Zane Gonzalez Womens Jersey Lionel Wordsworth

…Contractor refuses to divulge information,Bastian Schweinsteiger Germany Jersey, says ‘To hell with you.’By Fareeza Haniff and Mondale SmithThe Liliendaal pumps as at yesterdayIt appears that Kaieteur News publication of sluices and drainage pumps is beginning to rub some contractors the wrong way.Following Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud’s invitation for public monitoring of drainage and irrigation projects, yesterday this publication visited the Liliendaal pump station that was identified as one of the many projects being undertaken for repairs.At the site it was observed that the works valued at $76.2 Million had commenced but have now come to a halt.One of the two pumps was in mint condition and was operational, while the other with weathering, rust and gaping holes was sight for sore eyes.When this publication spoke to a man at the site, he confirmed that the works were incomplete.He said that some works had started and after the completion of the number two pump,Reuben Foster Womens Jersey, the works came to a halt.“The contractor stopped the works on the other pump because of the Heads of Government meeting and was supposed to start back but me nah know when that go happen cause like nobody nah come here no more,” the man said.Directing this publication to take all queries to the City Engineers Department, he confirmed that both pumps are used when the need arises.One person close to the location said that the yet to be repaired pipe should not be used as most of the water sucked through the pump runs back into the canal.When Kaieteur News contacted Chief Executive officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, Lionel Wordsworth, he said repairs are due to recommence after the rainy season.“This is so because rehabilitation of the second pump will involve extracting the pump for the pump sump and taken off site to effect rehabilitation works,” Wordsworth said.He added that as a result of the current wet season, a need is there for it (the pumps) to be operational and as such, the No. 2 pump rehabilitation work has been put on hold.He said that no payment has been made on this contract thus far although 50 per cent of the works are completed.At the last press conference chaired by Minister Persaud on drainage and irrigation, it was said by Wordsworth,Zay Jones Youth Jersey, with confirmation from the Agriculture Minister,Nathan Peterman Womens Jersey, that payments are normally made based on the amount of work completed by the contractor.Both Wordsworth and the Minister at the meeting advised that “everything is being done above board” and there is no problem if media operatives want to talk to the contractors.Wordsworth identified Harrychand Tulsi as the contractor who also constructed the $78.2M Stanleytown pump station on West Bank Demerara.Yesterday,Tarik Cohen Bears Jersey, this publication contacted the contractor,Ryan Anderson Youth Jersey, Tulsi, via telephone regarding the scope of works being executed on the Liliendaal pumps and station with a view of finding out when the works would recommence and be completed.But Tulsi, who could not point out any flaws in the story published in yesterday’s edition (July 20th, 2009) under the headline “$78M pump station laughable- residents,” was only willing to divulge information on the basis that this publication retract the story carried as “all lies.”After his request was denied he told this publication, “To hell with you” and terminated the telephone call.The publisher of this newspaper then contacted Tulsi who quoted a clause in the contract stating, “I can’t divulge any information unless I am so advised by officials of the Ministry of Agriculture.”He also referred all queries regarding the contract to the Ministry.Some persons questioned why are the pipes being redone in metal, which will eventually be damaged by weathering as opposed to PVC pipes that are more flexible and durable.

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