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標題: Jordan Hamilton Toronto Jersey pardon the pun [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-30 05:06     標題: Jordan Hamilton Toronto Jersey pardon the pun

Barks Michael Benjamin Men are strange creatures!? Narcissism and egoism comprise a huge chunk of our nature and can even be considered the variables that keep us alive and performing. Show me a man who professes not to have told a tall tale of his conquests with woman and I will show you a bare-faced liar.A woman once asked me, “How do you know when a man is lying?” Observing my puzzlement she blurted out, “His lips are moving.”“Men lie about everything,” a woman once told me. “Men have boasted of kissing a girl when all they did was to hold her fingertips. They have boasted of going all the way even before they have been afforded an accidental ‘fat eye.’During puberty, when the birds and the bees are flying, young men believe they possess the savvy to let those insects loose. They don’t see a need to exercise patience until the honey matures and tastes much sweeter.Retaining one’s virginity, whether male or female, until marriage has become old fashioned and outdated. An 18-year old woman/man risks ridicule when admitting this to colleagues.Before, sexual activities were regarded as sacrosanct with both genders exercising extreme caution when engaging in amorous encounters, but that was a long time ago when values were taught during the socialization process. These days loose sexual behaviour is prevalent when ironically, the risks are greater.The advent of ‘the Big Truck’ has underlined the need or all parties to curb lascivious urges and stick to one partner. Alas! Quite the contrary, sex has become a major bargaining tool and as someone succinctly said, most business deals are consummated in the bedrooms rather that in the boardrooms.As a lad in school, the sexually transmitted diseases making their rounds were herpes and venereal diseases, particularly gonorrhea, the latter also referred to as ‘Leak.’ I remembered some of my classmates who got ‘started’ earlier than most, would flaunt their stuff like peacocks and if they manage to contract ‘Leak,’ would wear the emblem on their lapels with pride.To many, ‘picking up a tack,’ the term used for contracting ‘Leak’ distinguished the men from the boys.Of course all it took in those days to eliminate such unwanted baggage was a few minutes with the doctor, an injection and kaboom! The infection disappears while the infected whistles his way home to once again engage in ‘bare back’ sex, totally oblivious to the lurking dangers.Those were the good old days yet my parents would compare them with their childhood days and become critical.“I can’t begin to fathom what passes for standards these days,” they would wonder aloud. Then they would recite what obtained during their youthful days and end their monologue with the clich?d term ‘those were the good old days.’We are now into the 20th century and those ‘terrible days’ have become ‘the good old days.’ As a schoolboy, my parents would narrate their childhood experiences and make comparisons. They would reminisce of those days when the men would come a knocking,Connor Randall Jersey, flowers in hand, only to be turned away by a disapproving grandmother whose expectations were way beyond the human capacity.During my initial dating days I clearly remember the plethora of questions and the thorough investigative processes young men endured before they were accepted into the woman’s family or could have been afforded a date with the lady of their dreams.Even then, little ‘Junior’ or ‘Mary’ was an unavoidable baggage you had to carry; where getting past the woman’s knickers was an ordeal in itself.The embarrassments were many; successes few, yet men persisted, comforted by the idiom that ‘a faint heart never won a fair lady.’ Many men bold enough to pursue their goals despite the vicissitudes could recite the embarrassment of sneaking a visit to their chosen one only to be drenched in ice cold water.Some received verbal abuses from their potential mothers-in-law or in some cases, their mother-in-law’s mother,Nazair Jones Womens Jersey, yet their love was so great that they returned for more.Of course, drenching offensive paramours with miasmic substances, according to my good friend,David Silva Manchester City Jersey, (you know who),Jordi Masip Barcelona Jersey, was unheard of in those days. People were not so messy, pardon the pun, so the amorous dons were given a thorough drenching with water.I am now a grown man and my mother’s ‘terrible days’ are now my ‘good old days.’ Indeed, young men of my era, now grown and matured, would reminisce on their courting days when the birds and bees were aggressively flying around. If by chance the young man managed

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