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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-30 00:14     標題: Josh Reynolds Womens Jersey shapes

By Leonard GildarieWe have been receiving lots of queries on estimates, a very crucial part of the planning process that gives a guide as to how much money will be spent in the construction phase.It is also critical, as part of the information needed by the banks or NBS, in acquiring a mortgage. The bank will send you back to correct it if it does no match up to costs that they have on file.A copy of NBS’s Summary of EstimatesIn March 2011, I wrote about this very important issue and the responses have alarmed me. Just not enough folks are aware of how estimates could end up significantly costing your pockets if not done right. We will address this issue again.According to a female home builder, she wanted to respond to the point that advice could be sought from the local Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and Town Council in the initial stages of planning.The woman alleged that at the NDC level, simply requesting information on building codes and other pertinent data is a hassle,Adrian Ramos Colombia Jersey, with bribes being brazenly demanded. She claimed that even after information to process a house plan is forthcoming, sometimes the wrong advice is deliberately given and then more time is wasted in correcting it.Quite frankly, she notes, to fast-track the building plan, a “raise” has to be paid.Now, I really don’t doubt that this is happening,Josh Jones Womens Jersey, but I do believe that it is a matter of choice to offer a “raise”. I am not aware that building plans are taking more than a month and I can understand the anxiety involved in the speedy processing. It is an age-old problem, but I would have raised hell. It is the duty of the NDC and Town Council to assist.To recap, for those joining us for the first time, issues like getting estimates from different contractors, shapes,Delano Hill Seahawks Jersey, transportation costs, types of building material, and doing some of the tasks yourself, can and will impact on the final cost of your home.While it is not done much on homes in Guyana, in the US and other territories it is the norm to estimate how much a home or structure will cost based on its size. For example, one square foot, with bathtub,AC Milan Shirts, the cost will be between $5,Ethan Pocic Seahawks Jersey,000 and $6,000 – hypothetically speaking.What happens in Guyana? A family wants to build a home and they call in a contractor and a price is haggled without any basis or explanation given on how that price is arrived at. In many cases, a home builder thinks he or she has a good deal. Maybe. But local architects are now arguing that this traditional and “cultural” way of doing business to negotiate isn’t advisable.For one, a contractor may give an estimate that looks “cheap” but he ends up “busting” on the work in the crucial stages. That is why it is advisable to seek several estimates. It is the belief of many that some contractors deliberately give a low estimate to get the job. There are quite a few of them that do it because of ignorance – but enough of contractor-bashing for the time being.We spoke some time ago of using a neighbour or friend’s home which has been built, to estimate your costs – factoring in important costs like transportation and about 10% for unexpected expenses.The commercial banks and the New Building Society have an estimate form that could be used as a guide when building. It includes the crucial stages of foundation, walls, roofing, plumbing, electrical installation and painting, among other things. It may be a wise idea to grab hold of a copy of that form. Sit down with your contractor and family and work the budget.Now, I do believe that probably one of the most crucial parts of building is choosing your contractor. It is simple…research him. Ask his neighbours (some will find this outlandish, but it is your money). Find out what homes he has built. Visit them. Talk to the owners about the experiences that they had with the contractor. Check his quality. There are numerous cases of contractors leaving a job before completing it. These are important pointers.Another crucial factor to take into account is that many contractors are “yes” persons. You would want one that can offer advice also.Now,Jamaal Williams Packers Jersey, what I am about to suggest may not find favour with many of you, but I suspect that quite a few housing officials will concur. It is simple. While in the past, contractors were hired on the basis of a handshake – a so-called gentle

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