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標題: Salvatore Sirigu Paris Saint-Germain Jersey GTU [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-29 14:01     標題: Salvatore Sirigu Paris Saint-Germain Jersey GTU

—TSC forced to delay advertising 2016 teachers’ vacancies —GTU urges teachers to be patientTeachers within the public education system will have to wait a bit longer before they are eligible for theGTU President,Mark Lyte2015 Teaching Service Commission (TSC) promotions. In fact,Montae Nicholson Youth Jersey, some teachers’ tenure might come to an end without the privilege of one final promotion that could see them being afforded a salary increase.This is in light of the fact that a court hearing to rule on the way forward for the stalled 2015 promotion, which was initiated by an the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) to stall the promotion process until it is reviewed, was yet again put off to another date.The matter was deferred on previous occasions thus further prolonging its much anticipated conclusion. It is set for another hearing on February 29,Jonnu Smith Jersey, 2016.Chairperson of the Teaching Service Commission (TSC), Ms. Leila Ramson, said, yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, that while the GTU seems to be on a mission to ruin the integrity of the TSC, it was in fact the Union that was responsible for a further delay of the matter. The union is being represented by Attorney at Law, Roysdale Forde.“They were supposed to submit a response and they didn’t do so. So the judge put off the case in order to give them some more time. It is clear they are holding up the matter now and are giving the teachers a hard time,” said Ramson.But the TSC, she noted, is certainly not revelling in this unfortunate situation. “We at the Commission are saddened by the fact that the GTU hasn’t responded because our teachers are suffering.”? She said, too, that at this time of year, the TSC should have been preparing to have its senior teachers’ vacancies list advertised.“At this time we don’t have anything in hand and we cannot advertise because this matter has to be resolvedTSC Chairperson,Leila Ramsonfirst…We are sorry for the teachers who are going to retire and are not going to get their promotion. This is a sad situation,” said Ms. Ramson.She added, “We are here to serve teachers and that is what we have been doing all along with nothing but unconditional love in our hearts for the teachers out there.”President of the GTU, Mark Lyte, is however appealing to teachers to be patient even as he assured that the GTU is very confident that it has a very solid case against the TSC. He nevertheless noted that “we were hoping that in the interest of all concerned that the TSC, like the School Board Secretariat and the Minister,Marouane Fellaini Jersey, would have indicated its willingness to review all of the application.”Lyte is convinced that this would have been the way forward since the TSC has recognised and admitted that it has had a flawed process of teacher promotion. “They are the ones that said that they recognise they have erred but instead of fixing it when it was raised, they wanted to wait to start fixing things in 2016.“They have been doing this for 20 years but it doesn’t mean that we will simply sit back. They are being stubborn and want this thing to be dragged through the court,” said Lyte.“We stand by our work…5,000 applications is too much to put my Commissioners through again. We offered them (the Union) to look at it (their concerns) next year and let (what we have) go through and they have refused,” said RamsonLyte however said, yesterday, “We would have been happy for this thing to be resolved in a very amicable way; their premise is that it is too much work…it is nowhere near 5,000 applications they have to review as they are claiming.”“They already have all the applications,Wayne Gallman Womens Jersey, they already have spread sheets of those who were interviewed and everything…They have those things shortlisted and it would not have taken as long as they are trying to say. I would say it could’ve taken them the maximum of one month or even less,” asserted Lyte.“They are just bent on not reviewing the applications…we are disappointed because we were willing to talk (with them) but we were forced to take this matter to court to get their attention; to let them know we are serious and are not prepared to let them do things as they feel,Danny Rose Jersey UK, in a way that is not fair to our teachers,” stressed the GTU President.

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