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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-27 12:44     標題: NFL Jerseys Outlet 18

– decline in number of candidatesA report of the results of the General Certificate Education (GCE) for the Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary examinations was disclosed to the media yesterday. Minister Shaik Baksh who made the disclosure said that 186 candidates were drawn from Bishop’s High, St Rose’s High, St Stanislaus College, President’s College and Queen’s College.Sixty-two of them wrote the Advanced Level and 124 wrote the Advanced Subsidiary, the Minister said.However, he noted that there was a decline in the number of candidates who wrote the both examination this year.He disclosed though that the top performers this year are: Ravi Singh, Natoya Arthur, Valencia Bailey, Tuanna Hardy, Sean Kowlessar,Corey Davis Womens Jersey, Robert Mansell,Tarik Cohen Bears Jersey, Shirvanie Persaud, Adrian Smith,Antonio Valencia Manchester Jersey, Roopesh Sukhu and Nazana Weeks.RAVI SINGHEighteen-year-old Ravi Singh of Garnett Street, Campbellville, was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had excelled at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level (AL) and Advanced Subsidiary (AS) examinations.Singh, of Bishop’s High School, got a Grade A in Accounting (AL) and another A in Pure Mathematics (AS).He said that he is proud of his accomplishment. “I thought I did good…I worked harder this year than last year because I realized that this was my last year,” Singh said.According to Singh, he didn’t like studying but had to do it because he did not want to waste an entire year of his life.As for future plans, the young man said that he always wanted to be a pilot and hopes to commence studies in this field very soon. However, he noted, he is currently doing an accounting course.He also pointed out that he owes a lot to his parents who always supported him throughout all his studies.Singh also said that his family is very proud of him. Singh was the only candidate in the top 10 from Bishop’s High School. The other top performers are all from Queen’s College.NATOYA ARTHURNatoya Arthur, 18, of Lamaha Street, Kitty, accredited her success in getting a Grade ‘A’ in Mathematics (AL) and a Grade ‘B’ in Biology (AL) to a year of very hard work, dedication, diligent studying and many sleepless nights.According to Arthur, she was trying to do very well this year since it is her last year in school.She also said that she is interested in genetic engineering so now she intends to study medical technology, genetics and microbiology at the University of Guyana this semester.Arthur noted that her parents are very excited and pleased with her results. She thanked them for their financial and emotional support.The young woman also said that she is the eldest of her siblings and it is her hope to set a stepping stone for them to follow.SEAN KOWLESSARThis 18-year-old does not like studying but thinks that if he had studied he would have done even better.Sean Kowlessar of Barrack Street Kingston got an ‘A’ in Mathematics (AL), a ‘B’ in Accounting (AL) and Accounting (AS) and a ‘D’ in Law.He told this newspaper that his inspiration to strive and do well is his mother who has always supported him.“I’ve pretty much been fatherless my whole life and it was my mother who was backing me and supporting me.”Kowlessar said that he will be heading into the accounting field to do his CAT and ACCA very soon.He pointed out that he is not the kind of guy who would study but this year he tried a little a few days before the exam.But, he noted, he had very good teachers who made sure that he completed his syllabus in time.“I’m proud of myself but if I had studied a bit more I could have done better in Law.”For now, he said, he is thinking about applying to some commercial banks but ultimately he will be an accountant.ROBERT MANSELL“I got lucky I guess” are the words of Robert Mansell who did exceedingly well,Grzegorz Krychowiak Jersey, copping straight As in Chemistry (AL),Demarcus Walker Broncos Jersey, Mathematics (AL), Further Mathematics (AL) and Physics (AL).Mansell told this newspaper that he feels very proud and happy with his results. “I did what I wanted to do so now I can relax for a little while.”According to him,Cam Robinson Youth Jersey, coming down to crunch time he studied a lot and took a lot of lessons.Mansell noted that he wants to do engineering of some kind. The next move, he added, is to apply for a scholarship and hope to get through.He said his parents are very pro

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