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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-27 02:49     標題: NFL Jerseys China Online 3ucsvgdz

The officer in charge of the Lethem Police Station has been removed from his post after some residents accused him of hitting females during a drunken fracas at a night spot in the community.But some residents appear to be upset at the disciplinary action that has been taken against the rank,Juan Fernando Quintero Jersey, and allege that he was falsely accused by some lawless elements after trying to bring law and order to the area.A senior official confirmed yesterday that the rank has been transferred to an East Coast Demerara location. According to the source,Hugo Lloris Hotspur Jersey UK, the transferred policeman “has a track record” of inappropriate behaviour whenever he has consumed alcohol. He was reportedly transferred from the Ruimveldt Police Station for similar behaviour.According to one version of events, the officer had entered a night spot in a drunken state last Saturday and had proceeded to hit females on the buttocks. It was also claimed that he slapped a woman who refused to dance with him and was involved in a fracas with the DJ.Some claimed that the officer had been abusing his power for his personal gain ever since he arrived in the district. They alleged that they were being told that they would have to apply a month in advance for permission for any loud music and event being held in the district.One business owner alleged that the officer would order the proprietor to close off his night spot if he did not approve of the music.But those in support of the officer said that the rank had tried to eliminate lawless behaviour when he was posted in the area.Shortly after arriving at Lethem, the officer reportedly held meetings with Lethem officials and members of the business community. Among other things, the rank had reportedly warned some night spot owners to desist from allowing underage females on their premises.The residents had also complained to the officer that they were disturbed late at night by the loud and vulgar music emanating from some of the night spots. Some also complained that there were frequent robberies and also incidents of rape after these activities.In a statement to investigators,Trey Hendrickson Womens Jersey, one Lethem businessman said that he would often assist is transporting the accused rank at night to various locations to ensure that all was well at night spots and to areas where criminal activity is prevalent.The businessman said that on Saturday last,Joe Ledley Wales Jersey, he had driven with the officer near a night club when some residents informed him that some patrons were fighting. He said that he accompanied the officer to the night club where they saw that some of the patrons had armed themselves with bottles and appeared to have been fighting.According to him, the unruly group began to curse the officer when he attempted to question them. The resident stated that the officer then spoke to the DJ, who eventually turned off the music, but had allegedly warned the rank that “we gun see who more powerful.”After that, the rank informed the patrons that ‘the show’ was over and they should go home. Two other police ranks arrived and the officer informed them that everything was back to normal and then left.And Kaieteur News understands that in a statement to investigators, the accused officer indicated that he had visited a night spot on Saturday after being informed that some of the patrons were fighting. He alleged that some of the patrons had dirt on their clothing and were clutching bottles, and began to curse him when he asked them what had happened.According to a source, the officer alleged that the group refused to disperse as ordered,Justin Evans Youth Jersey, and he eventually called the Lethem Police Station for ‘back up.’ He then decided to have the music stopped as a means of making the unruly patrons leave.In his statement, the officer alleged that the DJ “sucked his teeth” on being ordered to turn the music off,Marshawn Lynch Womens Jersey, and told the officer that he “was playing powerful.”It is alleged that the DJ only complied after being warned that he would be arrested and his set would be seized.The patrons then eventually left.

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