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標題: Pablo Armero Jersey at last [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-27 01:17     標題: Pablo Armero Jersey at last

People’s Progressive Party (PPP)The dawn of a new year always brings with it a renewed sense of hope and optimism for a better and more prosperous Guyana. The PPP shares this optimism and feels proud of the role it has played as the ruling party in influencing and shaping the several programmes and policies which cumulatively have impacted positively on the living and working conditions of the Guyanese people.The PPP is confident that the best days in our individual and collective lives are still ahead of us. There can be no doubt that the foundations for a strong and secure Guyana has been firmly laid,Ryan Ramczyk Youth Jersey, thanks to the visionary leadership of the PPP and the PPP/C administration.Regrettably, the full potential of our development has been stymied by a reckless and unsupportive opposition which have used their combined one-seat majority to deny the people of Guyana a better quality of life. And, as if that were not enough,ArDarius Stewart Youth Jersey, they have now joined forces in their attempts to remove the popular, democratic and duly elected PPP/C Government led by President Donald Ramotar by way of a no-confidence motion.One consequence of such reckless action by the opposition, was the decision by President Ramotar to prorogue Parliament to allow for political stability and normalcy in the administration of the affairs of the state.There can be no doubt that despite the setbacks, we have achieved much. The hard work of our President and his administration has paid dividends and the tidal wave of prosperity has lifted all boats.All Guyanese look forward for a continuation of this momentum of growth and development in the coming period ahead.The New Year of 2015 from all indications will be an exciting one which hopefully, will see an end to political gridlock, greater political maturity on the part of our political opposition and a continuation of the peace, progressive and prosperity which has now characterized our national life.The PPP takes this opportunity to thank all its members, supporters and friends for standing by the Party over the years and looks forward to their continued support, especially at this critical time in our history when dark clouds are hovering the land. The PPP is confident that the Guyanese people will make the correct political choices when called upon to so do so that the dreams and aspirations of our citizens can be realized.Once again, a Happy and Productive ?New Year to one and all!Alliance For ChangeThe Alliance For Change extends best wishes to all Guyanese as we enter a new year.2014 was a year of many challenges and it brought to the fore the indomitable spirit of the Guyanese people as we sought to overcome these challenges. We saw an increase in serious crime that more often than not, resulted in the gruesome murder of our citizens. This was compounded by the failure in many instances of the Police to bring the perpetrators to justice. Many families will go in to 2015 without a loved one due to speeding on our roads. On the last day of 2014, we learnt of yet another young mother dying in child’s birth. For so many families, 2014 was a devastating year where murder, suicide or other fatal incidents brought grief and pain.For many more, the past year was one of stagnation where hoped for promotions and advancements were not realised as personal economic growth did not materialise despite additional efforts.In the business sector, the hardships and trials continued as many of our local businesses struggled to compete in an uneven playing field.On the political front, we saw the worst form of governance as the minority PPP government suspended the National Assembly rather than defend its record in a debate of a No Confidence Motion. We saw illegal spending of the people’s money by the very minority Government and who would forget the debasement of the office of Attorney General by its present holder or the feral blas? unleashed on the American Ambassador by the Education Minister. Indeed, the chronicles of 2014 would show that it was not a year of which we could be proud.But,Michel Vorm Jersey UK, 2014 was not without its successes. Our CSEC student did our country proud as they excelled at the National and Regional levels. Our sportsmen and women also kept our flag flying high, especially our Rugby players. Throughout the year, the unconquerable spirit of the Guyanese people shone through and allowed us to rise to every challenge that we faced.2015 will no doubt, have its share of challenges but it also presents that periodic opportunity to free ourselves of the shackles of bad governance. It expected that early in the New Year, we will have the opportunity to go to the polls to elect a new governme

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