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作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-23 02:32     標題: Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping protected]Phone

ImmigrationINFO – Immigration News For Our Community…Last month, U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced they would conduct immigration raids to pick-up Central Americans who entered last year and lost their immigration court cases.? This sparked much criticism and fear by many immigrants in the United States.? Many fear that this may be the beginning of a new direction or approach by U.S. Department of Homeland Security to expand immigration raids against other illegal immigrants in the U.S.Most immigration raids are conducted in the early morning hours.? There is an element of shock or surprise because immigration officers arrive in unmarked cars and quickly announced their presence and swiftly take custody of the targeted individual(s).? Sometimes, targeted individuals don’t have time to even pack personal belongings or comb their hair.? One of my clients explained she was in her pajamas and when she asked to change her clothes, a female officer stayed in the room with her and watched her change her clothes.IF IMMIGRATION COMES TO YOUR HOME…Once you open the door and allow the immigration officer into the house,Wholesale China Jerseys, in some courts this is looked upon as giving the officer consent to enter the home.? First, ask the officer for his business card or get his name and his office address before your answer any questions.? Stay calm and do not run.? These immigration officers are armed and will defend themselves if needed.? You do have the right to remain silent during an immigration raid.? If you choose to remain silent,Wholesale Jerseys From China, then tell the immigration officer you want to speak to your lawyer and give them your lawyer’s phone number.? If you choose to answer the officer’s questions,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, then do not lie, do not give false documents, and do not provide any documentation regarding your immigration status (such as a passport, green card or birth certificate).IF YOU ARE ARRESTED OR DETAINED…You have the right to make a telephone call after you are arrested.? Memorize the phone number of an immigration lawyer, such as our office 1-877-GAIL-LAW, and your family members.? You may not be allowed to use your cell phone to look-up phone numbers.? Call your family member and let them know you are okay and tell them to call an immigration lawyer.Next, you have the right to call your consulate or to have the immigration officer inform the consulate of your arrest.? The consulate may assist you in finding a lawyer or contacting your family.? Lastly, ask the officer for a bond hearing.? Once you are in custody, you are eligible for a bond hearing.? Do not sign any documents without first discussing it with a lawyer – especially if it is expediting your removal/deportation and you will forgo your right to see an immigration judge.DEVELOP A SAFETY PLAN…If you have children, make advance arrangements for a family member or friend to care for them if you are detained.? If you do not have legal status in the U.S., this is an important decision you must make in advance,Cheap NFL Jerseys, because your U.S. citizen children cannot go with you to the detention facility.? Make sure you designate individuals to gain access to your bank account and handle your finances for any deportation expenses that may arise (such as attorney fees).? Lastly, make sure you sign a power of attorney in advance that gives power or legal rights to a family member or friend to handle your bank account, home, bills, property interests,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, etc.This can be a scary experience but it is a harsh reality for anyone who is in the United States without legal status.? The U.S. immigration laws and policies are getting tougher, so it is important that illegal immigrants are pro-active about their status in the U.S. and consult with an immigration lawyer to discuss options available.For more information,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, contact Gail Law Firm:Email: [email protected]Phone: 1-877-GAIL-LAW or 407-292-7730www.MyOrlandoImmigrationLawyer.comFREE in-office consultation – FREE Live Chat

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