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標題: cheap nfl jerseys murder [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-20 03:33     標題: cheap nfl jerseys murder

“While I was a trailblazer and I made the sacrifices, in my university days, I could not afford to buy law books, so I had to live in the library— that was a great sacrifice.”By Leon SuseranRohan Chandan knows what it is to make sacrifices. He did so when he had to leave his young wife and month-old daughter in order to educate himself in a strange country, and later returned to these shores to reap the benefits of his sweat and labour. He had to live on what he called a “limited, shoe-string budget” while studying. As similar stories often go…it all turned out well.Rohan was born to cane-harvester, Willie, and housewife, Phulmattie Chandan, at Vryheid, West Canje, Berbice. Growing up in the rural community back then, he was involved in pretty much every activity that country-boys of his age were, such as cutting cane, cultivating rice and tending to the cows as well as kitchen gardens.Rohan Chandan“We caught fish too…Life was very simple but very satisfying also.” He attended Lochaber Primary School after which he wrote the College of Preceptors (CP) Exams and was awarded a place at Berbice High in 1965 in the Lower Fifth Form. He graduated in 1967 and started to work as a Pupil Teacher at the St. Thomas Primary School (now Lochaber Primary). In 1969, he gained employment in the Public Service and worked as a clerk at the Magistrate department at both Georgetown and N/A Deeds Registry “and there I got this idea about studying law.”Rohan Chandan dealt a lot with checking Deeds, documents, transports as well as indexing those records. It was during this time that he developed a yearning and desire for the law field.“I was checking lawyers’ work and I saw so many errors in their work then, especially with the preparation of Transports…and I said to myself, ‘Why can I not be somebody like these [people] who are preparing these documents?’”In 1979, he commenced studies at the University of Guyana and pursued Law. But before he entered the university, Chandan stated that he met his life-long partner, Vidyawattie, and described what happened thereon as “the tough part.”“I had one child— my eldest child Geeta was born then, and that was one of the tough decisions: a family or my education/career. So it was very challenging, but I made the sacrifice for the family.” His children have all made themselves into reputable citizens. Geeta is a Magistrate practicing in the local justice system, while Priya is an Accountant; Vishal is a Medical Doctor and Smita, a Pharmacist.“While I was a trailblazer and I made the sacrifices, in my university days, I could not afford to buy law books, so I had to live in the library— that was a great sacrifice.”Then in order to ‘stretch the dollar’ and make ends meet Chandan left his wife and baby daughter to pursue his studies.“I was going for betterment and would be separated from my young family. But I knew my wife was from a good, noble, Hindu background and she is a very simple person.”A family portraitSince the law Programme was linked to that of the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Trinidad, he graduated in 1983 with a Bachelor of Laws Degree from UG and left Guyana to complete those studies at Hugh Wooding Law School in 1983, after which he graduated in 1985 with a Certificate in Legal Education.He recalled the “trial and tribulation times” but he did manage to succeed. Upon his return to Guyana, he was admitted to the bar in 1985 and worked at the Deeds Registry at the High Court of Berbice. It was the first time that the registry had a lawyer in its employ. In 1986, he worked as a Legal Officer/Secretary at the then Guyana Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank for two years,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, after which he was offered a position as Legal Officer at the Guyana Sugar Corporation in 1987 until 1990. Having good potential in the legal system, Chandan assumed the Magistracy in 1990.“I always wanted to get into the mainstream of law, but as a Magistrate, your mind is like a pendulum…It is a unique experience in that when you are listening to cases, you cannot come to a decision— but those were good days in Berbice.”Magistrate Chandan’s humungous task was running all the courts in Berbice from 1992 onwards; eleven courts!“Sometimes, I had to run three courts per day! But after awhile it leveled out. All the possible crimes came before me: murder, manslaughter, common law offences, narcotics— the whole gamut— traffic cases…and then we were few magistrates in the 1990s…those were terrible times, too, to work on the bench…Most times when you submitted for your traveling allowances, there were no funds to pay and we had to wait a long time.”When asked if he was a “strict”,Alex Bregman Astros Jersey, “no- nonsense” magistrate, Chandan st

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