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標題: Jim Thome Indians Jersey she said [打印本頁]

作者: duhy6t12a    時間: 2017-8-19 04:18     標題: Jim Thome Indians Jersey she said

The medical certificate procured from the alleged victim implicated in the Colin Mack rape trial was yesterday tendered as evidence before JusticeRape accused Colin MackNavindra Singh at the High Court.Mack is on trial before Justice Singh and a mixed twelve-member jury at the High Court in Georgetown. The matter is being prosecuted by State Attorneys Stacy Gooding, Mercedes Thompson and Diana Kaulesar.Mack is charged with the rape, assault and forcible abduction of a female.According to the indictment,Omar Infante Tigers Jersey, Mack had sexual intercourse with a 19-year-old without her consent on April 12, 2009.Reports are that the victim was abducted and taken to a house in Festival City where she was held against her will. The teen claimed that she was held for several hours at a Festival City house, where the accused allegedly raped and assaulted her. The teen said that she shouted for help, but no one came to her rescue even though the houses were within close proximity. She says that she managed to escape after a taxi driver came to her rescue.According to the document which was read aloud to the court, yesterday the victim had lacerations to her vagina, swelling to the right eye and abrasions to her left elbow.? It was also outlined that the injuries were consistent with assault.The medical certificate was tendered after Police Corporal Donna Baker testified to the court that she had accompanied the victim and her mother to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) where the examination was conducted.? The police witness related that she collected the evidence which was contained in a kit as well the? pants the victim was wearing, which was sealed in a? white envelope and later tendered it? as evidence in the Magistrate’s court.The pants, which the victim wore at the time of the incident, were also tendered as evidence before the Judge and Jury yesterday. However when asked by the judge about the kit, the witness said that she has no information about its whereabouts. She said the last time she saw the kit was at the Magistrate’s Court, where she left it.? As such,cheap jerseys, the kit could not be produced as part of the evidence yesterday.On Tuesday, the victim gave the court a detailed account of what she recalls transpired on the day the alleged incident took place.She recalled that Mack had picked her up and took her to a reggae show, the night before the incident.The woman told the court that she subsequently agreed to go with the accused to the Latino Bar and Blue Iguana but after a while she requested to go home and the two left the club.She said that she noticed that the accused was not driving in the direction of her home. After inquiring from Mack what was happening, the woman said that he told her that he was tired and would call a taxi to take her home from his residence. She said that she kept insisting that she wanted to go home.The woman testified that after arriving at the premises in Festival City,Willie Horton Tigers Jersey, the accused instructed her to get out of the car but she refused. She said that the accused then came out from the vehicle and pulled her by her hair out of the car.She said that she started to scream and attempted to fight off the accused who carried her up the stairs.? Once inside the house, the woman said that Mack forced her into a front bedroom of the house.She related that she continued to fight the accused who began to “forcefully” remove her clothes.? She told the court that Mack slammed her onto the bed and tried to pry her legs open to have sex with her.The witness said that after a few minutes of being unsuccessful Mack left the room. She said he returned sometime later with a female. She said that after “taking me to the back bedroom”, Mack told the other woman to perform oral sex on her. The victim said that the female did as she was instructed. She said that she was crying at the time and the accused threatened to kill her if she didn’t stop.According to the woman, before the accused could have penetrated her,Wholesale Jerseys, she asked him to use a condom and he did.?? When asked to state her reason for doing so she told the court that she just wanted to be safe since she was in a helpless situation.The witness said that she felt “helpless” as the accused proceeded to have “sexual intercourse with me without my consent.”Sometime after the incident, the victim said that she attempted to escape but the house was locked.She said that she began searching for her clothing but only found her pants and cell phone, after which she called her mother and a taxi driver to collect her.The woman said that

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