標題: Jesse Lingard Manchester Jersey APNU
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註冊 2017-5-25
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-16 23:12  資料 私人訊息 
Jesse Lingard Manchester Jersey APNU
Government’s care for the true development of this country is aptly reflected in the poor drainage and irrigation system which continues to manifest itself even to this day. The state of the drainage system continues to require the expenditure of millions of dollars for rehabilitation and upgrades each year, yet we continue to experience devastating floods.Dr. Rupert RoopnaraineThis is the conclusion of members of the political opposition coalition,Jeff Bagwell Jersey, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).At its weekly press conference,Will Middlebrooks Jersey, the faction had made a call on the government to launch a national flood control plan. Expressing his concern at length on the issue was Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine,Ricky Nolasco Jersey, Shadow Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment.Roopnaraine expressed his disgust with the government’s attitude towards the matter as he said that it is ridiculous that every year the country finds itself in this situation despite the millions of dollars allocated to improving and boosting the area.“We first of all need reliable information from the Meteorological Office. It’s no longer a trustworthy guide on the weather pattern.? Moreover, as it relates to the issue of flooding, it comes as no surprise that with just a few hours of rainfall sections of the city are under water, forcing some schools to be closed. We have serious deficiencies in the area of drainage and irrigation.? It is sickening that the government only moves to implement preventative measures when we are caught in a problem and it is never done properly. We need a holistic plan and not a quick fix.”“We need to deal with the issues that are resulting in these frequent floods, one of which is the garbage situation.”It was here that the Shadow Minister piloted the call for the government to move forward with a recycling programme than can help alleviate the issue.In addition to this, Kaieteur News had an exclusive interview with Mr.Michael Mosgrove, Chief Executive Officer of Panther Recycling Corporation.Michael MosgroveThe Canadian Company had proposed to the government last year a $26M recycling centre which came with curbside pick-up which is reportedly cheaper than the current costs for garbage collection.Mosgrove had also reminded that it was his own money being fuelled into the project and that it would cost the government and the people of Guyana absolutely nothing for its establishment.Unfortunately, the Canadian company was sidelined by a company that was registered under the name Natural Globe Inc which the government had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to set up a US$30 Million recycling plant.That arrangement did not materialize.Mosgrove had expressed his disappointment with the decision as he instantly recognized that the individual who had negotiated with the government had no experience in the recycling field.After facing intense heat by members of the opposition and the Press, the MoU was dissolved and the Local government Ministry is currently looking at six other companies.In addition to this,Kendell Beckwith Womens Jersey, Mosgrove told this publication that his interest lies in Guyana because he knows that the country is in dire need of a recycling plant project.“I have seen the need for a recycling plant in this country. When I first came to this country and I saw the state of the country, I realized that my company could be very useful to Guyana and that we can make a meaningful contribution. When I came back to Guyana, I presented a plan to President Donald Ramotar and he thought it was good and he sent it to local government ministry. I spent a year and a half getting it done and a MoU was finally inked.“But another company was chosen – a ghost company. I was then called back on December 27, 2013 to present it again and I have been here ever since and I have been talking to anyone who has an interest in it and talking to members of the Guyanese community as well.”He added, “Considering the current situation in Guyana, the country drastically needs this plan. The government wants it and they have told me that they support it and I believe the general public wants it too, for it creates a lot of opportunities for the people.”“The package we have is from a blueprint my team and I created for Jamaica and we have made significant progress with Jamaica.? We have done the infrastructural work and we have worked with Prime Minister,Bruno Martins Indi Netherlands Jersey, r