標題: Marcus Kruger Jersey social security number
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-16 20:55  資料 私人訊息 
Marcus Kruger Jersey social security number
By Ralph SeeramThe e-mail came with the bold headline; you won one million pounds in the U.K lottery. It all looked perfectly legal, attorney’s name to contact, bank and bank account number to send my processing fee, I only had to send my personal information,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Neo-Adidas/, address, social security number,Mario Gotze Dortmund Jersey, phone number and my bank account number and the sum of a million pounds will be sent to my account.Great, what did I do to deserve such a fortune? I certainly did not buy any ticket or enter any lottery so why are they so generous to me? I get scam e-mail like this every day and I am sure most of you do.Believe me, there are foolish people who send the “processing fees”, a few hundred dollars to these scammers. These are no money people; they only want your money and your bank account number to clean it out. Do as I do; hit the delete button.Recently I got an e-mail supposedly from a very close friend stating that he was robbed and stranded in Spain and needed me to wire some funds. A call to my friend revealed that his e-mail account was hacked and the email went out to everybody on his contact list.There are numerous forms of scams out there, some that would trick the very skeptical person, but have no worries. a Guyanese writer Jerry Rajkumar has decided to turn the tables on these scammers in a book titled “STUPID ME, STUPID YOU”.It’s well written in sarcastic humour that readers will enjoy while avoiding the myriads of scams out there.Mr. Rajkumar was born at Bengal village on the Corentyne, attended J C Chandisingh High School at Rose Hall Corentyne, but now settled in New York City.Quoting its blurb, “the book captures its audience, guaranteeing to make one a voracious reader”. If you have ever been on the receiving end of a scam and paid dearly for your mistakes in getting duped (like paying for a visa scam), this book is for you.“If you have known someone who unwittingly lost their savings, because the promise was so great,Lynn Swann Steelers Jersey, the assurance ironclad, then this book is for you. If you know someone who was so grief-stricken, and inconsolable, after losing a loved one that they turned to the one person who promised them that communication can be obtained with the deceased, this book is for you.“Furthermore if you ever got a traffic ticket,Anthony Martial Jersey, although it was unfairly issued, and no matter what you say,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Puma-Heart-Patent-Puma/, you are ignored, and you pay the fine, you will want to read this book. If you have kids whose mode of dress sends you over the edge, you will enjoy this book.”Every lie, scams of every kind is exposed within the book. In addition, the author addresses the myriad of complaints, we all have, but we keep it to ourselves. Things that annoy, aggravate and disturb are all discussed by the author.Mr. Rajkumar wants his readers to know that there are charlatans out there who anxiously want to take your money. He addresses misconceptions and lies that are part of everyday life.“Stupid Me,Tarell Basham Jersey, stupid you” can be purchased at amazon.com or Barnes and Noble site bn.com.The Internet is the new medium for scams, including Face book, but it also exposes scams, for instances this week one “sweetman” decided to post pictures of his wife and family on his face book page, naturally as most of you Facebook addicts know if you have a common friend you will receive a request from that person’s friend? to be a friend , so this woman decided to friend another woman only to discover pictures of her husband? and the woman and children, turns out he was married to both of them. His scam was exposed.Ralph Seeram can be reach at email [email protected]