標題: Luiz Adriano Jersey her response was “Oh God
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-15 09:53  資料 私人訊息 
Luiz Adriano Jersey her response was “Oh God
A modest Clara Norton turned 100 yesterday. For the occasion the woman was dressed in an orangeClara Nortonand brown dress with orange shoes, as her children,Virgil van Dijk Netherland Jersey, grandchildren and great grandchildren swarmed around her for her birthday.Norton currently lives at 60 West Ruimveldt Front Road, but hails from Queenstown, Essequibo. She went to ‘Chasey School’ and when asked how many children she mothered,Adriano Barcelona Jersey, her response was “Oh God! Don’t talk bout children.”After a brief moment she was able to count four of her children. She recalled that her father was James Norton. She was never married, according to a relative.She stated that she lived among and grew up with more people of Indian descent than people of African descent, one man in particular she remembered was a George Bacchus.Norton is the eldest and only living child out of 10 for her parents. She added that she doesn’t understand where her mother was going with all those children.After one of her grandchildren urged her to say how many kids she had,David Luiz Jersey, Norton joked and said,Eddie Jackson Youth Jersey, “Like you deh one side”,Juan Guillermo Cuadrado Jersey, inducing everyone into joint laughter.She has lived to see four generations of her family,Joao Carlos Teixeira Jersey, an accomplishment that few can say they have achieved.