標題: Ola Aina Jersey the loss reduction programme
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-15 06:05  資料 私人訊息 
Ola Aina Jersey the loss reduction programme
The fate of Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) employees represented by the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) would soon be determined. The arbitrators of the recent labour dispute are reviewing the union’s and company’s positions.According to NAACIE’s General Secretary,Fabian Delph Manchester City Jersey, Kenneth Joseph, yesterday, he is optimistic that the final and binding decision would soon be revealed.The arbitration tribunal comprises Justice Prem Persaud; Dr. Gobind Ganga, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Guyana; and Grantley Culbard,Antonio Garcia Womens Jersey, former General Secretary of the Clerical and Commercial Workers’ Union.On February 27, GPL employees started a six-day protest over a five percent all-inclusive package. This included a one percent across the board pay increase. The Union found that unacceptable and demanded an eight percent across the board increase.The power company emphasized that it cannot afford the union’s demands. It claimed to be burdened by high fuel prices. In addition, GPL may have to increase its contribution to the employees’ pension fund with the Hand In Hand Trust Company.NAACIE believes that the company could afford to pay the demanded increase because it recently accessed an $11B loan.Intervening in the dispute, Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul facilitated a meeting with both parties. They were given two days to ponder on the discussions and to decide on a feasible outcome. However,Tedric Thompson Youth Jersey, they stood their ground and the Minister ruled that the matter must be sent to arbitration.Arbitration proceedings began on March 25 and according to Joseph there were two meetings. He said that both parties submitted their presentations. On Wednesday last, the final meeting was held and the way forward lies with the arbitration panel,Carlos Sanchez Colombia Jersey, which is now tasked with reviewing the presentations.Whatever the decision of the panel is,Evan Engram Jersey, GPL is expected to get an injection of $11.2 B from Government this year.According to Dr. Ashni Singh, during this Budget 2013 presentation,Michael Lorenzen Reds Jersey, Government wants to provide operating and capital transfers to GPL totaling $5.8B to support that company in meeting its cash flow requirements.Government also budgeted a further $5.4 billion to be provided to GPL to support key projects such as the upgrade of its transmission and distribution network, the loss reduction programme, and other activities required in anticipation of the Amaila Falls Hydro project.These allocations to the electricity sector will benefit all 166,000 of GPL customers and their families.But, A Partnership for National Unity deemed the company a black hole and argued that the company needs restructuring and depoliticizing before any money is pumped into it.