標題: Marcus Williams Youth Jersey 2001 and January 29
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Marcus Williams Youth Jersey 2001 and January 29
Ahmad Ali, 36,LaDainian Tomlinson Chargers Jersey, of Albouystown, was yesterday placed on $1.5M bail, after he pleaded not guilty to three charges ranging from forging a land transport to conspiracy to commit a fraud.It was alleged that between April 23,Alex Morgan Jersey, 2001 and January 29, 2010,Cincinnati Reds Desmond Jennings Jersey, with the intent to defraud, Ali allegedly forged a transport purporting to show that he owned a plot of land at lot 67 Area Q Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.It was further alleged that on January 29, 2010, Ali uttered one forged transport to Chandra Balgobin purporting to show that the document was issued by the Registrar of the Supreme Court.A third charge read that between January 21, 2010 and January 29, 2010 Ali, with the intent to defraud, obtained the sum of $4.5M from Shanti and Chandra Balgobin for the sale of the land.His lawyer,Harrison Barnes Team USA Jersey, Vic Puran,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Mexico-Andres-Guardado-Jersey.html, in a bail application told the court that Ali was gainfully employed as a taxi driver.According to the lawyer,Manny Ramirez Indians Jersey, Ali had purchased the plot of land. Puran said that his client is willing to compensate the virtual complainants, but needs to be admitted to bail.The Balgobins who were present in court said that after he handed over the money to Ali, he checked at the Registry and was told that the transport was forged.The man commended the police for arresting Ali just as he was about to board a flight to Suriname.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford did not oppose bail, but asked that it be substantial and also for Ali’s passport to be lodged. Telford told the court that the file has to be sent for legal advice.The Magistrate placed Ali on $1.5M bail and ordered him to return to court on June 8.