標題: David Sharpe Raiders Jersey the Health Minister
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-12 16:49  資料 私人訊息 
David Sharpe Raiders Jersey the Health Minister
By Michael JordanDirector of Medical and Professional Services Dr. Madan Rambaran has proposed to the Guyana Medical Council that the physician who treated the tortured teenage boy be given “a stern warning” instead of being suspended.He has also suggested that the physician,Ron Jaworski Eagles Jersey, Police Surgeon Dr. Mahendra Chand,J.R. Richard Jersey, undergo a course on medical ethics, while acknowledging that the doctor’s performance “did not conform to the expected standards of ethical and professional practice”.But Kaieteur News understands that the Medical Council will stand its ground on its suggestion to suspend the physician.Dr. Madan RambaranThe deadline for Dr. Chand to respond to the Medical Council’s decision ended yesterday without Dr. Chand responding in writing to the Council,The Medical Council is to inform Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy today of the disciplinary action it intends to take against the errant physician.In his letter to the Medical Council,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Under-Armour/, Dr. Rambaran stated that he had “noted the conclusions of the Medical Council in its enquiries into the conduct of Dr Mahendra Chand in respect of his attendance of Mr. T. Thomas who was allegedly tortured.“Together with Mr. Bert Whyte, Personnel Manager,Thurman Thomas Bills Throwback Jersey, GPHC, I spoke with Dr. Chand about this matter.“I do agree that Dr. Chand’s performance did not conform to the expected standards of ethical and professional practice. However, Dr. Chand has never previously had any negative reports nor was he investigated for any practice related issues.In mitigation Dr. Chand was called to see the patient outside his usual working hours and outside his usual clinic setting. Additionally he did prescribe appropriately and recommended that the patient be taken to hospital.In the circumstances I am proposing that GPHC have Dr. Chand undertake a course of study on medical ethics and professionalism under the supervision of Dr. D. Joseph. (Dr. Joseph does a module on medical ethics for the Post Graduate Diploma in Surgery).Dr. Chand would also be given a stern warning,” the letter concluded.Meanwhile, Kaieteur News was told that some Council members have also suggested that Dr. Chand be “rotated back” through the hospital and another doctor be assigned to his position as Police Surgeon.It has also been suggested that there be a rotation of competent doctors to the post of Police Surgeon.Kaieteur News had reported that the Council found that Dr. Chand was guilty of not examining the then 14-year-old boy,Nicolas Batum Hornets Jersey, while the lad was in custody at the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station.The investigation also revealed that Dr. Chand had failed to keep proper records.According to a source, Dr. Chand had conceded during the hearing, that he had acted unprofessionally while treating the then 14-year-old lad, whose head was covered with a bag at the time.The physician was given a chance to tell the Council in writing whether there are any mitigating circumstances that could cause the suspension to be lifted.In an interview with the Kaieteur News, Health Minister Ramsammy explained that if Dr. Chand responds to the council, then it will be examined, recommendations will be made and the council will then send their recommendations to him (the Health Minister).And even if Dr. Chand does not respond to the Guyana Medical Council,Joe Blanton Jersey, recommendations will still be made by the medical council on what action should be taken against him, Minister Ramsammy told this newspaper.It will then be up to the Health Minister to approve or reject the recommendations.