標題: Mattia De Sciglio Jersey of 166 Middle Road
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-11 01:13  資料 私人訊息 
Mattia De Sciglio Jersey of 166 Middle Road
By Fareeza Haniff and Andrunie Harris?Three ranks from the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard were yesterday charged for the murder of 23-year-old, Dweive Kant Ramdass of Bartica.Charged with accessory to murder - Yvonne Beckles, left, and Viola Adolphus. Sherwyn Harte, 26, of 123 Eccles, East Bank Demerara, Delon Gordon, 21, of 108 ‘C’ Field, Sophia, and Deon Greenidge, 20, of 166 Middle Road, La Penitence, appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Vreed – en – Hoop Magistrate’s Court.Additionally, Shawn Ajeda, 22, of 123 Eccles, East Bank Demerara, Viola Adolphus,Dan Marino Dolphins Throwback Jersey, 32,Boomer Esiason Bengals Jersey, of 108 ‘C’ Field Sophia and Yvonne Beckles, 49, of 166 Middle Road, La Penitence were separately charged for accessory to murder.None of them were required to plea to the indictable offences.The charges read to the three Coast Guard ranks by Magistrate Latchman stated that between August 20th and 22nd, the trio murdered Ramdass at Caiman Hole, Essequibo River.In accessory to the murder of Ramdass, Ajeda, Adolphus and Beckles knowingly received, comforted,Morgan Burnett Packers Jersey, assisted and maintained the Coast Guard ranks, the charges stated. The individuals were all remanded to prison until September 24th, 2009, where they will make an appearance at the Leonora Magistrate’s Court.During the court session, it was noted that Sherwyn Harte and Shawn Ajeda are brothers,Ramon Sessions Wizards Jersey, while Delon Gordon and Viola Adolphus are siblings.Attorney – at – Law, Hukumchand, representing Adolphus requested bail for his client, stating that the offence for which she was charged (accessory to murder) is bailable under section 105. He added that Adolphus is the mother of two young children and operates a day care.The police prosecutor however objected to bail, citing the seriousness of the offence and the fact that the accused does not reside in the area; therefore there is a chance that she may not appear for trial.Humkumchand told the court that Adolphus, being the eldest of her siblings would usually take care of them and on the said day, it was no different when she went to see her brother, Delon Gordon, at the Parika Stelling.According to Humkumchand, Adolphus would occasionally collect her brother’s clothes in a bag and take it home. On the day in question it was no different as Hukumchand told the court that, Adolphus’ brother (Gordon) called her to Parika to collect $12,500 from him, which he collected from a parent attached to the day care.He further noted that his client only collected a bag from Gordon assuming it was filled with dirty clothes, and it was while she was leaving the wharf that the police “called her and took her to the station, where they opened the bag and saw whatever was in it.”The Attorney told the court that his client had no idea that the bag contained money.While this was happening, Adolphus was observed crying and appeared to be praying in the docks.Bail was however refused by Magistrate Latchman on the grounds of the seriousness of the offence and the likelihood that she may not return to court.On August 20th last, Kaieteur News reported that three Coast Guard ranks were arrested following a brazen multi-million dollar robbery in the Essequibo River.The men were nabbed at Parika,Jason Spezza Jersey, East Bank Essequibo, after police recovered part of the stolen money.At the time of the robbery, the now dead Ramdass was reportedly heading to Bartica with $17M to transact business on behalf of his employer.Ramdass was in a passenger boat which had just left the Parika Stelling when the vessel was intercepted by the ranks who were in a green GDF Coast Guard boat.The Coast Guard ranks ordered the speedboat back to the stelling where they pretended to be searching the passengers. It is believed that they had already singled out Ramdass who was carrying the money in a box.Eyewitnesses recalled seeing the army ranks arguing with Ramdass at the Parika Stelling.According to one eyewitness,http://www.cheapcustomjerseys.us.com/Soccer-Club/Custom-Real-Madrid-CF/, when the speedboat was forced back to the stelling, the Coast Guard ranks, who were all carrying rifles, took Ramdass out and questioned him about the contents of the box he was carrying, and one of them was seen peering into the box with the cash.They then ordered Ramdass into their boat and sped away.