標題: Montae Nicholson Womens Jersey s itinerary
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-10 23:47  資料 私人訊息 
Montae Nicholson Womens Jersey s itinerary
By Rehanna RamsayStaff of the GPHC Laboratory as they celebrated Medical Laboratory Professional Week.Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) is in the process of acquiring international accreditation for its laboratory services, Head of the Department, Dr. Pheona Mohamed-Rambaran,Walace Jersey, stated yesterday. Her comments came during an activity held in observance of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, (MLPW).Several laboratory professionals were applauded for their dedication and commitment to ensuring that the facility provides quality services to the general public. During an appreciation ceremony, which was among the activities this week’s itinerary, many staffers were given tokens of appreciation for their commitment to the success of the Department.“We have come a long way from where we started, in terms of our equipment as well as our range. We advanced from manual work to using technology and we now offer the various types of testing such as hematology,Leonard Fournette Jersey, biochemistry,Sidney Jones Youth Jersey, urology, compatibility and microbiology.” Dr. Mohamed-Rambaran said as she highlighted the accomplishments of the GPHC laboratory.She told Kaieteur news that the hospital has been working towards further improving its services.“We have applied to the National Bureau of Standards for international accreditation … the documents are in place, resources are available that is working equipment, continuous supplies of reagents and competent staff.”According to the department head,Rasul Douglas Youth Jersey, GPHC has decades of experience offering quality testing services as staffers are trained at various intervals to ensure accurate results.In addition, improved laboratory care is an end result of possessing essential and adequate technological equipment and supplies.Meanwhile, Director of Medical and Professional Services, Dr. Sheik Amir congratulated GPHC lab staffers for their contribution to the health care unit.“We are always working and keeping abreast with technology,Junior Seau College Jersey, always improving and upgrading our equipment we now have increased manpower which is necessary for the maintenance of the service.” Laboratory technician,Davis Webb Womens Jersey, Alexis Wilson Pearson, one of the long standing GPHC lab professionals highlighted some challenges the institution encounters.She said that while working in the laboratory is a pleasurable experience there is always room for improvement.“Our main concern is ensuring that supplies are available and the items of equipment are working properly.”This year, Medical Laboratory Professionals Week was celebrated under the theme, “Lab Professionals Get Results.”? A packed Itinerary of events was held at during this past week’s observance. The events included mini health fairs and conferences, health discussions and socials.The annual celebration of MLPW seeks to highlight laboratory professionals and those who often work behind the scenes, and play a vital role in every aspect of health care. Lab Week is a time to honor medical laboratory professionals around the country who perform and interpret laboratory tests every year.