標題: Tarell Basham Jersey called Rickford Williams
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-10 05:00  資料 私人訊息 
Tarell Basham Jersey called Rickford Williams
Twenty-eight year-old Jason Orlando Mc Kenzie ?called ‘Psycho’ of Rosignol,Evan Engram Womens Jersey, West Bank Berbice, who was one of four inmates in the New Amsterdam Prison charged with murder committed on a fellow inmate in 2011, has pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter in the Berbice High Court.Two others were freed of the charge while the fourth man had escaped from jail and is still on the run.It was alleged that between April 27,Demarcus Walker Broncos Jersey, 2011 and May 4, 2011, McKenzie while with other inmates, killed 24-year-old Sebastian Cleto, called ‘Shortman’, ‘Plato’or ‘Clato,Dustin Pedroia Red Sox Jersey,’ of 42 Bent Street Wortmanville, Georgetown.McKenzie appeared yesterday before Justice Brassington Reynolds on the charge of murder. However, through his attorney Raymond Alli he decided to change his plea to not guilty to the charge of murder, but guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter.Justice Brassington Reynolds ordered that a probation report be prepared and presented on March 26 when McKenzie is expected to be sentenced.Sebastian Cleto and Andy Adams were allegedly beaten by Mc Kenzie and the others. Cleto was rendered unconscious due to an injury to the head; he was later transferred to the ICU of the Georgetown Hospital where he subsequently died.Two of the men, Raymond La Fleur,Jason Kipnis Indians Jersey, 34, of 28 Mount Sinai West Canje Berbice and Kevin James, 26, of Edinburgh Housing Scheme,Cheap Jerseys From China, East Bank Berbice were freed on the charge, while Rickford La Fleur, 36,Ryan Switzer Youth Jersey, called Rickford Williams, Rickford Sabola, Bragga or Rastaman of Vryheid’s Lust, Smithfield and Canje River, had earlier escaped from prison.Cleto and Adams were incarcerated for murdering Nizamudeen Khan, a security guard attached to a Rosignol sawmill on July 20, 2007.