標題: Delano Hill Seahawks Jersey Robert Persaud
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 19:06  資料 私人訊息 
Delano Hill Seahawks Jersey Robert Persaud
By Gary EleazarForeign Affairs and Trade Co-operation Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, is currently conducting bilateral negotiations with Cuba and among the many items on her agenda is securing a deal with that country for the purchase of local rice.This was disclosed by Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud,Dexter Manley Redskins Jersey, during the most recent parliamentary debates on the rice industry.According to Persaud,Marcus Allen Raiders Jersey, the government was steadily implementing policies to make the rice industry competitive on the world market. Guyana was also seeking to secure new markets.He drew reference to the recently concluded agreement with Venezuela wherein that country has agreed to purchase rice to the tune of some $US18.8M.Cuba and Guyana established diplomatic relations in December 1972. Bilateral ties have strengthened over the last years,Shaquille O Neal Cavaliers Throwback Jersey, particularly in the fields of education and health.Guyana has traditionally sided with Cuba in its struggle against Washington’s financial,Omar Vizquel Jersey, commercial and economic blockade,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, a position ratified on Thursday last by Rodrigues-Birkett. According to the programme of her official visit, the Guyanese Foreign Minister and her accompanying delegation will stay in Cuba until today.Cuban Foreign Minister,http://www.cheapcustomjerseys.us.com/NBA/Custom-Minnesota-Timberwolves/, Bruno Rodriguez, held official talks with his Guyanese counterpart, who arrived in Havana on Wednesday.During the official talks held at the building of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rodriguez expressed his satisfaction for the visit of the Guyanese delegation to Cuba, and made reference to the deep friendship bonds uniting Guyana and the island.Rodriguez stressed that the two nations share common goals in the international arena and in organisations like the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.