標題: Cristian Zapata Jersey two were execution-type
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 09:51  資料 私人訊息 
Cristian Zapata Jersey two were execution-type
There have been at least 100 murders in Guyana for the year and police have recorded a 12 percent rise in robberies where firearms were used.According to the Police Public Relations Department, there were 98 recorded murders at the end of September 2013. This figure matches the recorded number of murders for the same period in 2012.Of the 98 murders this year, 41 were of the disorderly type,Josh Malone Bengals Jersey, 19 were committed during armed robberies, two were execution-type, and 13 were? domestic related, while the other 23 are so far undetermined.However, statistics compiled by Kaieteur News reveal that there have been at least three execution-style killings. The victims include Jason Wills, who was gunned down in Meadowbrook Gardens in February; Sheldon Cheddi, who was shot dead in Tucville and Shelliza Basir-Lall,Ahmed Kantari Jersey, was shot dead at Mambo’s Bar in Kitty. The killing of Totaram and Bhajmattie Mootoo in their Turkeyen home in May also has all the signs of an execution-style murder.There have also been at least four other murders within the past ten days of this month. Three were disorderly-type murders while one occurred during a robbery at Hampshire, Corentyne. These deaths push the murder rate beyond 100.The Public Relations Department also stated that at the end of September 2013, robbery under arms has increased by six percent,Victor Martinez Tigers Jersey, with 798 reports compared to 751 for the same period in 2012. The statistics indicate an increase of 12 percent in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms and a three percent decrease in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.In relation to traffic,Nathan Peterman Jersey, there were seven fewer road fatalities at the end of September 2013 in comparison to the same period in 2012, with 75 fatalities from 72 accidents in 2013 compared to 82 fatalities from 71 accidents during 2012.The period January 01 to September 30, 2013,Lonnie Chisenhall Indians Jersey, saw reductions in relation to the other categories of traffic accidents – serious, minor and damage.Twenty-seven pedestrians perished at the end of September 2013. In addition 12 motor cyclists, 11 pedal cyclists, 10 drivers, two pillion riders and 13 passengers of motor vehicles also lost their lives.Speeding continues to be a major contributing factor to fatal accidents and was the cause of 52 of the 72 fatal accidents recorded at the end of September 2013.Traffic enforcement by the police during the period January to September 2013 resulted in a total of 65, 527 cases being made against errant motorists. Of this total 16,Mario Gotze Dortmund Shirts, 586 cases were for speeding.