標題: Ben Gedeon Youth Jersey
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 05:23  資料 私人訊息 
Ben Gedeon Youth Jersey
– says Health Minister Reports of persons being tested in opportunistic ways to detect the presence of dengue fever have reached the Ministry of Health and according to Dr Leslie Ramsammy,Hector Herrera Mexico Jersey, his Ministry does not condone such practices.“I got a report from a patient who spent more than $60,000 being tested for various things…It is one thing when people say they have dengue cases but we can only report what we have…not just reports about opportunistic testing…”The Minister stressed that by law, health facilities, both public and private, have a responsibility to report all cases to the Ministry of Health. “They have to report to us by law and so we need them to say this is how we have verified this case because there are guidelines to be followed.”And the public health sector, he noted, has been well informed as it relates to the impact of the disease.? Dr. Ramsammy assured that the public health sector is on a daily basis monitoring the situation. Added to this, he said that continuous efforts are being made to issue advisories through the Health Communication Department of the Ministry.“We are doing a lot of work preparing posters, handouts and television programmes. We hope we don’t have a major outbreak and we are hoping that the increase we have seen can be reduced. I believe that Guyana and the Ministry of Health should not be cocky to believe that this is not something that will happen to us. I hope it doesn’t happen to us but I am hoping that this programme we have will stop a major problem.”However, the Minister has asserted that transmitting dengue is in the country, thus the potential of people contracting the disease is realistic.“We on a daily basis have people reporting to us not only by week. I can tell you that for the last three years from week one to 24 and in those weeks we have the highest number…and then it begins to go down. This year it went into the 26th week then it began to fall. We not only know when it’s happening; we also know by region when it is happening.”According to the Minister, a lot of work is being channelled into addressing the threat of dengue. For this reason, he pointed out that the Ministry can only operate optimally if incidences of the disease are promptly reported.“If people are not reporting to us they are doing a disservice to all the citizens of Guyana. How much we invest into the problem would depend on what the problem is…”At a recent press conference, the Minister revealed that there has been an evident upsurge in the prevalence of dengue fever. At that point,Hector Bellerin Arsenal Jersey, too, he disclosed that his Ministry is yet to receive official information that there have been deaths resulting from the disease.Reports suggest that at least two persons have died of symptoms comparable to those of dengue fever.The disease manifests as fever of sudden onset, associated with headache, compounded by muscle and joint pains. A hemorrhagic rash of characteristically bright red pinpoint spots,Michael Roberts Youth Jersey, known as petechiae can occur later during the illness and is associated with thrombocytopenia. It usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest. However, in some patients it spreads to cover most of the body.There may also be severe retro-orbital pain, (a pain from behind the eyes that is distinctive to Dengue infections), and gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting coffee-grounds-like congealed blood, or diarrhoea. Some cases develop much milder symptoms which can be misdiagnosed as influenza or other viral infection when no rash or retro-orbital pain is present.Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus carried by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. According to a Ministry of Health advisory, persons are being urged to get rid of the breeding places of mosquitoes in and around their homes by covering all water tanks, barrels, drains, storage containers and garbage bins with tightly fitted covers or with wire mesh. In addition flower pots,Chris Smalling Manchester Jersey, vases and other unused containers should be emptied and scrubbed at least once a week to destroy mosquito eggs. Eggs,Jack Dunn Jersey, the advisory noted,Montravius Adams Jersey, can hatch into larvae in three to six days.