標題: Alex Anzalone Saints Jersey and it ain’t easy
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 01:06  資料 私人訊息 
Alex Anzalone Saints Jersey and it ain’t easy
Overseas-based Guyanese, Kerwin Adams, on Saturday last,Daniel Lovitz Jersey, donated a quantity of school supplies and toys to about 70 students residing in and around Georgetown. The donation was done through the Mark Benschop Foundation.The children, some of whom were from Joshua House,Steven Berghuis Jersey, were treated to refreshments as they waited for the handing over of their goodies,Jaleel Johnson Jersey, which was done at Cody’s Place on East Street,Larry Ogunjobi Jersey,Donor Kerwin Adams with some of the beneficiaries of the donation.Georgetown.“The bar is celebrating its one year anniversary so, the owner made the place available to us for a few hours to conduct the handing over,” Mark Benschop, Chief Executive Officer of the Mark Ben Benschop foundation said.The parents and guardians of the children also expressed gratitude for the much needed supplies, noting that it has saved them a lot of money.“I am grateful, because … me ain’t get to buy school stuff yet. I have six children, and it ain’t easy,Dalvin Cook Youth Jersey, so I want to thank Mr. Adams,” one parent said.Speaking briefly with this newspaper, Adams said he left Guyana at the age of six years old,Danny Ward Liverpool Jersey, and since God has shone his light upon him, he felt the need to give back to his people.He decided that providing equipment that will aid in the education of the youngsters was the best thing to do. He said that the items cost him about US $4000.“I am just really glad that I can do something for these kids. It means a lot to me to know that I can,” Adams said.