標題: Roberto Perez Indians Jersey Culture
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 00:27  資料 私人訊息 
Roberto Perez Indians Jersey Culture
The curtain came down on the fourth Summit of the Union of South American Nations yesterday at the Guyana International Conference Centre on a high note with the issuance and initialing of the Georgetown Declaration.In that declaration the visiting Heads expressed their satisfaction with the assumption of President Bharrat Jagdeo as Pro Tempore President of UNASUR, and “wishing him great success during his tenure”The visiting heads also offered him all their “willingness and commitment to collaborate on fulfilling the region’s objectives for the coming year.”The Heads declared their willingness to continue working toward the consolidation of a common space for the political, economic, social, cultural,Chris Smalling Manchester Jersey, energy, environmental and infrastructure integration of the Region, in order to achieve sustainable development.The Heads, among them Brazil’s Lula DaSilva and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,Rui Manuel Marques Mexico Jersey, highlighted their firm commitment to work together to promote social and human development with equity and inclusion in harmony with nature.Brazilian President Lula DaSilva speaks, updates media operativesThis is in order to eradicate poverty,John Johnson Youth Jersey, reduce asymmetries and overcome inequalities, within a framework of unity, democracy, unwavering respect for human rights and co-operation, both regionally and internationally, in the context of strengthening the sovereignty and independence of States.The Heads stated that they underscore the approval of the Statute of the Council of Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Innovation (COSECCTI), as well as the Action Plan in the area of Education and the Road Maps in the fields of education, culture and science and technology.They acknowledged the work carried out by the South American Council on Health, particularly the adoption of its Five-year Plan and the success enjoyed at the Donor Table, which was held during the III Ordinary Meeting of the Council.The Heads, in the Georgetown Declaration, urged Member States to finalise the negotiation of the legal and budget aspects of the Basic Agreement of the ISAGS, as well as the 2011 to 2012 Schedule of the Institute.This must be done according to the declaration, “in such a manner so as to strengthen the governance of health systems in South American countries.”They also underscored the importance of implementing the UNASUR Health Scholarship Programme in 2011 and stressed the need to continue “expanding the access of South American candidates to vacancies in renowned regional teaching centres”.South American Ministers of Health were urged to examine the possibilities of convergence among the various regional health organizations.In the declaration, the heads recognized the advancements made by the South American Council on the World Drug Problem, by approving its Statutes and Action Plan.“They underscored the importance of making strides in effective regional co-operation, in the framework of common and shared responsibility, in the fight against the world drug problem and its related crimes…They urged the Council to establish in 2011, a mechanism for regular consultation for judicial, police, financial and customs authorities, as well as bodies involved in the fight against drugs in South American countries.”There was also the approval of the Statutes and Regulations of the South American Council for Infrastructure and Planning (COSIPLAN) and the heads said that they envisage the prompt implementation of its Action Plan,Jon Singleton Astros Jersey, which is especially significant for the future of regional integration.“They stressed the importance of selecting a series of works that would impact powerfully on integration and regional socioeconomic development.”Members of the Foreign Press flocked Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for early insight as it relates to the conclusion of the UNASUR meetThe Georgetown Declaration also recognises the advancements recorded by the Working Group of the South American Defence Council, charged with the responsibility of formulating a “Protocol on Peace, Security and Co-operation in UNASUR.”They reiterated their support for the efforts and encouraging their continuation at its future meetings.“Along that same vein, they observed the creation of and progress made by the Working Group on Defence Expenditure Assessment.”The heads also applauded the creation of the Council on Economy and Finance and issue an appeal for the prompt adoption of its statute.They also, in the Georgetown Declaration, u