標題: Julian Weigl Jersey it is wonderful for Guyana
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Julian Weigl Jersey it is wonderful for Guyana
Ten-time Grammy award winner and double platinum recording artiste, CeCe Winans, has been contracted to perform at a massive Gospel Festival set for the Guyana National Stadium on January 26,Anthony Munoz Bengals Jersey, 2013. The renowned artiste is expected to be backed by a 15-member troupe.From left: Pastor Ralph Harte, Reverend Kwame Gilbert, Mr Yog Mahadeo, Mr Muharrem Kulekci,John Brooks Jersey, Pastor Simon Harris and Mr Oliver Kanhai.At least this has been confirmed by Chief Executive of Inspire Inc.,Lonzo Ball College Jersey, Yog Mahadeo, who said yesterday that Winans is expected to arrive in Guyana on January 25, 2013, ahead of the show entitled ‘Fulfilment’. He was at the time addressing a press conference at the Princess International Hotel.The press conference also marked the official launch of the event which is being touted as the largest Christian event in the history of Guyana’s entertainment.“We are happy to announce that it is official. It is now locked and ready; we are having our Gospel Festival 2013… CeCe Winans will perform live,” said Mahadeo. He said that the Festival is appropriately titled. “We believe that we are fulfilling the dreams and hopes of a lot of persons…More so we are fulfilling what we hope to be…”It is Mahadeo’s expectation that the event will become an annual feature each January and will serve to provide the necessary impetus and motivation to bring the entire country together.“People we have spoken to have already expressed a lot of excitement and volunteers have already started to come on board. Our leadership within the Christian community has already started to come on board too,” Mahadeo added.Collaboration with the Christian community is essential, he stressed, to ensure that “every step of the process is blessed; that we are doing everything the right way and with the right intentions and to achieve the right aims.”The event is currently attracting an estimated cost of $60 million and already Princess International Hotel and Casino has thrown in its financial support, Mahadeo disclosed yesterday.Princess International Hotel and Casino has for the past three years been involved in supporting a number of cultural events thus the move to support the Gospel festival came as a naturally.According to the entity’s General Manager, Muharrem Kulekci, “We are pleased to inform you that we are happy to be a part of this wonderful cultural event. I am very excited to have people come together at the Stadium to see this wonderful event.”The event is also expected to feature local gospel artistes who will be represented by the “cream of the crop”, according to Youth Minister of the House of Prayer Church at Tucville, Georgetown, Ralph Harte.CeCe Winans“Lots of local gospel artistes have already signalled their intention to be a part of this event so what you will be able to experience is not just CeCe Winans and what she is but also the very best of our Guyanese artistes who are doing well here and overseas.”Cece Winans is today a household name in gospel music in Guyana, according to Reverend Kwame Gilbert of the Kitty, Georgetown, World Vision New Testament Church. He lauded the plans to bring such a renowned artiste to Guyana.The artiste’s arrival in Guyana, he noted, will be at a time when most churches are engaged in prayer and fasting thus will set the tone for an atmosphere of spiritual revival to come to the nation.According to Pastor Simon Harris of the Ruimveldt Life Improvement Centre Assembly of God Church, Guyana has long been abuzz with talk about CeCe Winans so it was already in the air that some big gospel artiste was coming.He said that since the visit of Donnie McClurkin, another top recording artiste earlier this year,Gyasi Zardes Jersey, the Christian community has been waiting for the next big artiste which will now materialise in the person of CeCe Winans. “We are so happy as a church to join with Yog to bring off this event…it is wonderful for Guyana,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Wales-Joe-Ledley-Jersey.html,” Pastor Harris asserted.Businessman Oliver Kanhai of the Agricola/McDoom area,Larry Ogunjobi Jersey, who also shared the head table at the press conference, said that it is no secret that the event is highly anticipated and will no doubt be well supported by the Guyanese society. He is optimistic that the Fulfilment Festival will even help to foster much needed change.