標題: Jeff Keppinger White Sox Jersey last year
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 17:43  資料 私人訊息 
Jeff Keppinger White Sox Jersey last year
Candidates who participated in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination earlier this year may be able to receive their results by next week, according to Minister of Education, Shaik Baksh.The Minister told this newspaper,Chris Paul USA Jersey, yesterday,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, that his Ministry has been in contact with the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) which has informed that the results are prepared and should reach Guyana as early as next Tuesday.He noted though that the Ministry is also awaiting the results of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results in order to unveil both examination results at the same time.The Minister disclosed that CXC which is also responsible for the CAPE examination has indicated that the results are also prepared and is likely to be sent to Guyana shortly.Last year the Minister was forced to lash out at the Council for delaying the availability of the CSEC results.At a press held on August 21,Earl Campbell Titans Jersey, last year, the Minister had emphasised his annoyance about the time it took CXC to make the results available to Guyana.At the time of his utterance candidates of some countries including Trinidad and Tobago were already in receipt of their results.According to the Minister, “CXC will have to get their act together…I am dissatisfied in the case of Guyana that they have not performed proficiently.”He had divulged that his Ministry was not prepared to take the delay lightly and had hinted his intention then to take action.“We intend to write the Registrar and the Chairman of the Caribbean Examination Council on this matter…As I speak we have not received the individual results slips of the candidates and so we cannot give the candidates their results slips.”At the time of the press conference the Minister was enlightened to the fact that the result slips were in transit through DHL.As a result students,Erick Pulgar Chile Jersey, were not able to receive their slips until the last week of August last year.Minister Baksh though disturbed at the situation,Blank Manchester United Jersey UK, had also expressed optimism that a repeat of the delay would not occur again this year.And from all indications he said that the results should be on time this time around.Last year of the more 9,000 candidates from the private and public institutions the top 87 were drawn from Regions Two, Three,David Savard Jersey, Four, Six, Ten and the District of Georgetown.