標題: Carlos Henderson Youth Jersey Josiah
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 09:52  資料 私人訊息 
Carlos Henderson Youth Jersey Josiah
By Rehanna RamsayA large crowd swarmed the square of the Vreed – en- Hoop Magistrate’s Court yesterday to await the arrival of 63-year-old Fitzroy Josiah, who is accused of cold bloodedly knifing to death, his 14-year-old stepdaughter last Wednesday.However, Josiah reportedly had an episode of diarrhea, which prevented him from being transported with other prisoners in the usual fashion. He arrived at the court about two hours later in a white police pickup truck,Blank Netherlands Jersey, escorted by several heavily armed ranks.The crowd of mainly women became visibly enraged at his appearance “Murder, murder! He wicked. He molest and kill that girl,”?? some yelled,Jourdan Lewis Youth Jersey, while others screamed,Ashtone Morgan Toronto Jersey, “We want justice!”Murder accused Fitz JosiahJosiah was remanded to prison after he appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court on an indictable charge of murder.Although he was not allowed to enter a plea, the accused appeared unaffected by his surroundings as he stood in the prisoners dock and inaudibly muttered to himself throughout the hearing.Several persons flocked the courtroom at the reading of the charge. The mother and several of the teenaged victim’s relatives were also present. They cried inconsolably during the hearing According to reports,Malik McDowell Seahawks Jersey, Josiah, murdered Fenella Samuels on April 24, at the Best Foreshore at a location called Plastic City.At one point, when asked by the Magistrate to provide details of his personal life, Josiah replied that he is “married to the devil and has one child”He will make his next court appearance on May 31, 2013.The 63 year-old,Myles Garrett Jersey, West Demerara resident allegedly stabbed his stepdaughter Fenella Samuels to death. He inflicted stab wounds to virtually every part of her body.The teen‘s mother and younger brother, who are said to have witnessed the crime, will possibly be called upon to testify in the case. The mother told Police that she ran out of the house to get help when the man attacked her daughter.The elderly man then escaped and had gone into hiding but was subdued by law enforcement officers after he was spotted a day after the attack, in the Vreed-en-Hoop area.Several other reports came-up over the weekend which suggested that the man was linked to similar crimes and to at least one other murder.? According to reports, over the past decade, Josiah was implicated in numerous crimes against women but was never indicted in those matters due to a lack of evidence.One of his alleged victims, Emily Ann Bollers, Josiah‘s former reputed wife was found murdered with stab wounds about her neck and body, back in 2001. The woman’s relatives to this day say that the man was responsible for her death.The dead woman’s sister travelled all the way from her home in Loo Wood Demerara River to witness yesterday’s proceeding.“This man killed my sister and he ain’t get one day jail. I know how these people feel; that’s why I come to show dem support. They need all the support they can get cause I know how they feel. I am begging for justice for them.”According to the woman,Rasul Douglas Youth Jersey, the horrifying memories of how her sister met her demise came up after she learnt of the Samuels killing.