標題: Taylor Moton Youth Jersey Roxanne Reynolds
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-5 04:44  資料 私人訊息 
Taylor Moton Youth Jersey Roxanne Reynolds
Two children from the Watooka Day School in Linden tied with 535 marks to top Region Ten, in the recent National Grade Six Assessment.The pupils, Zoe Sills and Jamicka Rutherford, were all smiles when Kaieteur News visited the school recently.Jamicka Rutherford, expressing how she felt about her achievement, said, “I don’t know how to explain myself. I’m just so happy, flabbergasted- overjoyed.”Top students for Region Ten with their proud teachers.Interestingly, Jamicka’s mother Jameela ?Bayley, a school teacher by profession, reiterated some of those very words, during a brief telephone interview.Zoe Sills, who is also an articulate young lady, in reference to her achievement, said, “Topping the Region has brought me feelings of great joy- it’s overwhelming! But to obtain such high marks, it took a lot. We had to make a lot of sacrifices; it was almost like all work and no play!”The two students both did excellently in their language paper with Jamicka obtaining maximum marks, while Zoe lost only one mark on the paper, the school’s headmistress pointed out.Zoe’s ?father, Pastor Selwyn Sills, said that he was very proud of his daughter, and? wanted to give her all the credit as she was quite ‘wound up, driven’. She really worked hard.Sills also acknowledged his wife’s input, which he pointed out was really great, “so I want to give the two of them all the credit, and the teachers of course.”Abdul Marshall, another student of the Watooka Day school,Mike Gartner Jersey, obtained 529 marks, which earned him the fifth position in the region.Meanwhile, the mood of both the headmistress and teachers of the Watooka Day School could be summed up in one word, “Ecstatic!”Headteacher of the school, Roxanne Reynolds, said that she was proud and elated at the achievement of her school in topping Region Ten, which she pointed out was due to the teachers’ dedication and commitment, and the children’s “focus.’“To God be the glory”, she declared.Teachers, Rhonda Rose, Candacie Adrian and Charise Joseph all expressed satisfaction with the children’s success.Joseph said that she was “overjoyed that Watooka Day School is back on top!”‘We always tell them (students) that perseverance plus hard work equals success, and we’ve seen that they themselves have proven that theory,Charles Mann Redskins Jersey, we’re very proud of this achievement,” she added.Seventeen children, including the two top students from the school have qualified to attend senior secondary schools in Georgetown. Another twenty-five will be attending Linden’s premier secondary school- the Mackenzie High School.Meanwhile, hot on the heels of the two Region Ten top students were two students from the Amelia’s Ward Primary,Wayne Rooney Jersey UK, who tied for the third spot.Both students, Serina Roberts and Ajay Persaud attained 530 marks each, topping their school,Obi Melifonwu Jersey, and securing the third spot in the Region.Serena,Tim Duncan Wake Forest Jersey, who is a top athlete for the school, said that she is proud, happy and nervous– nervous because she would be going all the way to Georgetown, to attend Queen’s College.Her mother, Daleth Frank, said she was very proud of her daughter, and was not surprised at her performance, as she always did extremely well at school- always obtaining scores in the nineties.Ajay Persaud, said he is very excited and proud to be going to Queen’s College.His mother,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Jayanti?Persaud,?said that she is very overwhelmed and anxious to send him off to his new school.Singh added that she was always confident that Ajay would do well, and he was also very confident, as he often told her that he would be going to Queen’s College.Thirteen children from the Amelia’s Ward Primary secured places at senior secondary schools in Georgetown, while thirty-five students obtained places at the Mackenzie High School. (Enid Joaquin)