標題: Vincent Janssen Netherland Jersey . As of Friday
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-4 10:08  資料 私人訊息 
Vincent Janssen Netherland Jersey . As of Friday
As the days and nights become hotter, and the water levels in conservancies and canals drop as a result of the El Ni?o phenomenon, the number of fire-related incidents is increasing. The high temperatures and accompanying low humidity – also known as a dry heat – are optimal conditions for fires.Fire Chief Marlon Gentle in an invited comment told this newspaper yesterday that the Guyana Fire Service is cognizant of the fact that water levels are already low and dropping further,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and as such,Wholesale Jerseys, they are doing their best to use alternative means of fire fighting to handle any fires that may break out. He also said, “The fact of the matter is that we are competing with other agencies and persons for the limited water resources that are available.”For brush fires, the Fire Chief noted that they are employing fire breaks and controlled burnouts rather than dipping into the dwindling reserves of water available; saving these for fires that may occur in urban areas and threaten loss of life or property.A fire break is the removal of fuel from the path of a fire, and will serve to extinguish a fire when the supply of combustible material is completely exhausted. Simple methods such as clearing the brush and debris from a swath of land may act as a fire break putting a halt to a brush fire without the use of water. Controlled burnouts are similar, in that the fire is contained and extinguished by the simple expedient of fuel/combustible material removal from the path of the fire.The recent landfill fires that were a serious smoke nuisance to the communities around the site at Mandela Avenue, as well as a traffic hazard to motorists in the area, are prime examples of these tactics being employed with great success.Fire Chief Gentle stated that the collaborative effort between the City Council and the Fire Service was very successful in containing the incident(s). As of Friday, February 26th the Fire Department had officially handed the site back over to the City Council in full confidence that they are equipped to deal with any minor outbreaks that may occur.However not all of the recent fires have been caused by the weather, some cases are clearly arson or the work of disturbed individuals. Others may be attributed to faulty electrical wiring,Wholesale Jerseys Group, overloaded electrical terminals or just plain negligence on the part of residents. In other cases there are land owners who see this weather as a good opportunity to ‘clear’ their land using fire to remove the brush. However the temperatures and moisture levels in the surrounding vegetation provide easy means for the fires to quickly accelerate out of control.As a result the Fire Chief is imploring Guyanese to be ‘safety-conscious’ and avoid this method of clearing their land,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, but still take steps to remove dry vegetation and debris that may easily ‘catch afire’ accidentally. He also advised that the requisite care be taken to disconnect unnecessary appliances when leaving home and to avoid overloading electrical terminals and outlets, all of which may contribute to causing a fire. Reminding children of the dangers of fire and teaching them how to avoid it are of great importance as well.In response to the ever present criticisms of the Fire Service,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Gentle pointed out that some fires are not located within a convenient distance of a working fire hydrant or viable source of water and that the trucks were not designed to carry the volume of water necessary to completely extinguish a fire, but rather to serve as personnel and equipment carriers.The water the trucks carry is only to begin fighting the fire,Wholesale China Jerseys, more water must therefore be ‘shuttled’ from the nearest water source, a situation greatly hindered by any number of conditions, such as not having enough trucks on hand to keep up a consistent attack on the fire or low water pressure in the lines, among others. He also said that the firefighters are doing their best to keep the country safe at great personal risk to life and limb, and the lack of sufficient resources is a serious hindrance to their ability to do their jobs well.