標題: Marcel Schmelzer Jersey “It is too late”
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-4 04:41  資料 私人訊息 
Marcel Schmelzer Jersey “It is too late”
– Says Chairman Investigations have now been launched at the Leonora Police Station into the matter of Seelall Babulall who has accused members of the South Tuschen Community Policing Group (CPG) of causing him and his two teenage sons physical and psychological abuse after the officers “arrested him wrongfully”.Kaieteur News also understands that Babulall is now calling the South Tuschen CPG members and “begging to have the matter dropped”. He is also apologising for? reporting inaccurate information to the media.According to one member of the group,Custom Barcelona Jersey, “It is too late”, because an investigation has now been launched into the matter at the Leonora Police Station, since serious allegations have been made against members of the community policing group.Chairman of the South Tuschen CPG, Shaheed Ahmad, told this publication that he was at the Leonora Police Station on the day in question with his team when a woman who looked very pale and ill, lodged a complaint about her neighbour, Seelall Babulall, poisoning her golden apple tree.She was explaining to the officer that Babulall has been constantly harassing her and her daughter and she made reports at the police station but no action was ever taken against the man but this time she was filing a report that the man was trying to poison her.Ahmad stated that the officer in charge then sent his team to arrest the man and bring him to the station, which the CPG members did,Lionel Messi Jersey, in the presence of the woman,Gabriel Jersey, who identified herself as “Shantie”.The chairman of the group said that when they arrived at Babulall’s residence everyone present was polite and he was told that he needed to be taken to the Leonora Police Station. Babulall agreed to go with the men but requested that he be given time to dress properly.Kaieteur News understands that when Babulall saw Shantie in the CPG vehicle he refused to enter. At this point one of the ranks handcuffed him and he sat in the car.Ahmad explained that neither was the man pushed into the waiting car nor did anyone assault him.He said,Klaas-Jan Huntelaar Jersey, “Our CPG members will not assault anyone under arrest at anytime.”That evening when Babulall was in the lock-ups, his sons were annoyed at this and tormented Shantie, the man said.When Kaieteur News spoke with Shantie yesterday, she explained that Babulall and his family have been tormenting her for the past ten years, mainly due to the fact that his sons would “trouble” her daughter.It was reported that one evening the woman picked four golden apples from her tree and had already eaten two while she left the remainder at her kitchen sink. Around 11:30 pm on the evening in question, she felt uneasy and her stomach felt “queasy” which prevented her from getting any sleep.Shantie said that she was standing next to her window at around 02:00 hrs trying to let the cool breeze soothe her when she noticed Babulall in her yard standing next to her golden apple tree.She was under the impression that he was trying to steal her fruit but became alarmed when she saw him remove something from his pocket and began touching a number of her golden apples.She said that she then hurriedly switched the lights in and outside her house to see what the man was doing, but by the time she managed to open her doors Babulall had already made good his escape.This publication was made to understand that the woman began looking at her tampered fruit closely and saw that there were tiny holes on each oozing a liquid.She rushed into her house and picked up the two golden apples on her kitchen counter and was shocked to discover that they were in the same condition as the ones on her tree.Shantie stated that the doctor looked at her and the golden apple(s) and gave her two injections. Upon questioning what the injections were for,Mark Bloom Jersey, the doctor told her that “one is for the poisoning and the other is for the burning in your abdomen”.According to Shantie, she received 13 injections in total,David Luiz Jersey, two pints of saline and spent three-and-a-half hours receiving oxygen during a six-day period after she realised she was poisoned.Kaieteur News understands that Babulall is now aware of the seriousness of the false allegations he made against the South Tuschen CPGs and realises that “his lies are catching up with him and he would be in trouble”.One source told this newspaper that Babulall was convicted a number of times and